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  1. R

    Decoy spread

    Joe, I think Buffleheads are "cool" ducks. I've been known to target Buffies over my homemade rig of 20 Bufflehead on long lines. Tasty on the grill wrapped in bacon. However, no tailgate photo's RVZ
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    Overseas Outboard Dealers

    Carl, I am looking for a 4hp motor for my scull boat. Was considering Honda or Yamaha. I found the small outboard Honda's are made in China. RVZ
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    NDR: Merry Christmas; Second Deer; Testing a Portable Gambrell System

    It's just good to be outdoors no matter what you chase. RVZ
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    Nice rig, where do you hail from?
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    Some "new" old cork decoys.

    True working decoys Troy. Nice find.
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    Pointe Mouillee

    Larry, The last time I attended a storm came through on saturday afternoon and ripped things apart pretty bad. I showed up on sunday and unfortunately most vendors packed up and left. I talked to Decoy Rigs Bob a couple weeks ago. He plans to set up his booth but is concerned about having...
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    Pointe Mouillee

    Hi Phil, The dates are September 18, and 19. This coming weekend. I should have mentioned it is in Monroe Michigan. RVZ
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    Pointe Mouillee

    Anyone on the forum attending the festival this year? It's been several years since I've attended. RVZ
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    Shell Shortage

    When you see it advertised, act quick. Like Bob, I stocked up last year before the shortage on Duck loads. Was able to get a case of Kent 3 inch BB. Also bought 800 rounds of 22. I live about 50 miles from Boss and would surely buy from them if necessary. I give them credit for jumping into the...
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    When was the last time---

    So, who got close enough to measure those snakes? Good luck with your Teal season. RVZ
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    Shotgun shells

    I have the same concern. I stocked up on #2 steel last year for duck loads, however, 3 inch BB for geese were non existent. I ended the season with 2 boxes of BB. RVZ
  12. R

    Carl wanted more input; Dave D. made us drool over his Poke Boats; Here is my recent deal...

    Larry, what a great find. I purchased a 2003 in 2016 for my work truck. It had 68,000 miles on it and today at 153,000 miles is still going strong. They are still built on a truck frame, and you are correct about the gas mileage. 4 wheel low on icy boat ramps is certainly a plus. Enjoy your new...
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    Duane G.

    Well, this brings back memories. I too picked up my TDB in 1993 at Tom's cabin. We left Elkhart on a sunny but cold saturday morning with my wife, ten year old son and five year old daughter and an empty trailer. We hit ice on the Indiana Toll Road and snow at the Ohio line. At Tom's cabin we...
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    Two Cycle Motor Oil

    Great question Jeff, I was wondering the same thing. Now that I have a four stroke outboard motor and a lot of two cycle oil to use up. I just bought a new Husqvarna chain saw and they told me to use their oil because Husky's run hotter. I think they just want to sell their overpriced oil. RVZ
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    My first Restle Decoys

    Steve, what a great project. I acquired two dozen Broadbill many years ago that sit graciously in my attic. They have never been rigged or hunted over. If I could keel them to self right they might someday be added to my rig. Looking forward to your progress. RVZ
  16. R

    Everybody OK?

    Just fine in Northern Indiana. Have a pair of Hooded Mergansers swimming around my Wood Duck boxes. RVZ
  17. R

    One more wake up

    Good luck Dani. We open on the 21st of April in Indiana. I'm watching a Tom walking the edge of the woods 40 yards from my patio door as I type. RVZ
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    What's on your WORK BENCH ? - MARCH 2001

    Steve, you guys on the east coast sure love your Black Ducks. When you speak of coating with epoxy, what exactly is that product? RVZ
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    This is disturbing

    Intelligent discussion between law abiding gun owners certainly helps keep us informed and provides numerous points of view. Let it roll. Indiana and Michigan are still pretty gun friendly. It's interesting to hear about the more restrictive states and how restrictive gun legislation passed...
  20. R

    national survey of waterfowl hunters

    Brad, I did a similar survey which I thought was for the state of Michigan. It might have been the one you posted because the questions seemed similar to the highlights you offer. I also participated in the wing survey for the second year. It's good to see the interest and data gathered for our...