Search results

  1. R

    Walnut hulls

    Nick, I had good success with fine sawdust from a bandsaw. Table saw or chop saw might be to coarse. And, it's free. RVZ
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    Home Depot paint samples

    It must be your charming personality Steve. RVZ
  3. R

    decoy line (single)

    Eric, I think Bob's son or sons have taken a larger role in the business. I always stop by his booth at the Pointe Mouillee Duck Hunters Tournament in Monroe Michigan. Crotchety old guy with a lot of knowledge to share and fun to talk to. All my mother lines, droppers and clips came from Bob...
  4. R

    decoy line (single)

    Decoy Rigs PO Box 366 Whiting, IN 46394 219 659-8371 I built my long lines 20 years ago with Bob's diamond braid product and it is still going strong. If you call, he will send a sample card with the different diameter lines to choose from. RVZ
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    Picked up a couple of new guns....

    Jeff, I have a muzzle loader from the family that is really old. I don't know the history on it, but the stock is Birds Eye maple. I've considered scrapping the rifle and having a couple calls made from the stock material. The wood is beautiful. RVZ
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    Wood Duck Box Clean out

    Ducks Unlimited provides a good set of plans on their website. RVZ
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    Dog appreciation pictures.

    Wow, Tim that second picture could be a post card. RVZ
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    Flush keel on E Allen Mallards

    Steve, I hunt almost all E Allen diver decoys with the bottom open as you show in your post. However, I add an inch and a half by three quarter inch keel glued and screwed to the flat bottom. I then install a lead weight about five inches long to the keel. Similar to what you show. They self...
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    Wood Duck Box Clean out

    You inspired me again. I have three boxes in my attic that need repair and three in our little creek that need spring cleaning. Right after our late goose season here in Indiana and Michigan I will be tending to Wood Duck housing. RVZ
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    Brant rig, homage to Worth, BradF, Steve Sutton, Tod and other members here

    Brad, that is quite a collection of various carvers. I really like the old style carving of Bill Pinches. Simple but effective. RVZ
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    Need advice on how to rehab and redo some burlap decoys

    Mike, I wonder if you could Restle coat over burlap? I have a bunch of 72's that are original foam that I coated one this summer with latex and fine sawdust as an experiment. It held up great. Repair the keels as you suggested and coat one. I made one drake Goldeneye with a urethane foam head...
  12. R

    Sanford Gunning Box

    Just a trip to Steve's compound would be an awesome experience. RVZ
  13. R

    What is in your bag? January 2021

    Michael, Did you get the information back on your bands? I'm curious to know if the larger banded one is from the Giant Mississippi Valley population. We have those migrate through our area in southern Michigan and northern Indiana. We also get the smaller Southern James Bay population geese...
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    Redhead or Ringneck?

    Dave, Looks like a young hen Ringneck. Light brown head and eye ring is much different than a Redhead. There would be a slight redness on the head even in a female Redhead. It also looks small compared to a Redhead. Stubby wings. RVZ
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    Site Funds Needed

    Check went out today.
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    Anchoring advice needed for my Estuary

    Now I get it. I've heard you speak of a painter which is what I call a bow line. And, yes it should be shorter than your boat. Ask me how I know. I use my "painter" to launch and load my boat and it is permanently attached to the bow hook then neatly stored on the bow wrapped on the front...
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    Tampa Bay Scaup

    Carl, My daughter lives in Tampa and I have seen the rafts of divers along Bayshore as well. Still waiting for the divers to show up in southern Michigan. Thanks for the scouting report. RVZ
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    Sneakbox identity ?

    I'll bet Steve Sanford will know. RVZ
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    Foam Decoy Repair

    Jay, I use automotive bondo to attach the heads to the body. Drill 4 to 5 holes in the base of the head and the same 4 or 5 holes where the head attaches to the body. Mix the bondo, smear some on the parts and clamp for 24 hours. You can then sand the seam to perfection. I also drill a hole in...