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  1. R

    Wing Survey Disappointment

    Hi Brad, I received and email from Kathy Fleming today. If you private message me your email address, I will copy you on the correspondence. It looks as if she is trying to recover the data. Rod V
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    Wing Survey Disappointment

    Brad, Thank you so much for doing this. It certainly wasn't necessary, but much appreciated. If I hear anything I will let you know. I am looking forward to participating in the program for the next two years. Rod V.
  3. R

    Summer 2020 trip, NDR!!!

    You are truly blessed Todd. What a great trip except for the bugs. RVZ
  4. R

    New friends

    Dave, I agree with your assessment of the RL post. He stole my sunshine this morning from northern Indiana. RVZ
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    Wing Survey Disappointment

    I'm in for another 2 years, and will be glad to participate again. Each year I keep track on paper of the species of ducks I shoot with the dates so I can track the peak migration in our area. It's not unusual to put 4 to 5 different species in the bag on one hunt.
  6. R

    Wing Survey Disappointment

    I thought maybe a PETA person at the Post Office.
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    Wing Survey Disappointment

    Brad, That is a generous offer. This is the third time I have participated in their survey over the years. I used the envelopes they sent me, which arrived late, two weeks into the season. They only sent 15, so I immediately requested another 50. My ID number is 23519033 My email address is...
  8. R

    Wing Survey Disappointment

    I received the wing survey results from the Fish and Wildlife service a few days ago and am extremely disappointed with the survey results. I turned in 40 to 50 duck wings and about 20 goose tail feathers and wing tips. They show my harvest results as one Canada Goose shot in Elkhart County on...
  9. R

    Replacement Heads

    Thank you Dave, I have a rig of E Allen Broadbill and Buffies. They have taken a beating over the years. I am now looking for a realistic head for the Herters 72 bodies. I will look into your suggestion. RVZ
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    Replacement Heads

    Steve, Yes they are Broadbill. I just reworked 7 drake Goldeneye per your tutorial. I too switched to the Home Depot paint samples. Really appreciate all the information you bring to this site. RVZ
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    Replacement Heads

    Bill, Thanks for the Autumn Wings suggestion. I like the idea of wooden heads as well. They have a very nice website. RVZ
  12. R

    Replacement Heads

    Thanks Roy, I looked at their website but couldn't find standard size Broadbill heads. What they offer looks pretty durable. RVZ
  13. R

    Replacement Heads

    I have about 5 dozen Herters model 72's that need replacement heads, Would like to replace the plastic ones with durable urethane foam heads. Any recommendations for a supplier? Thanks in advance. RVZ
  14. R

    tdb 14 ft outboard size

    My old 15 hp weighed 85 lbs, the new Yamaha non electric start weighs 125. The new engine seems to cantilever off the back more than the old one. RVZ
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    tdb 14 ft outboard size

    Scott, It is rated for a 15 hp. I ran a 15 Johnson on my 93 until last season. If you hunt alone with a dog and gear you will be fine. Anything more and it will be under powered. I just put a new 25 hp Yamaha on mine. Plenty of motor. My only concern is the TDB motor mount integrity. Ratings are...
  16. R

    Scull Boat Hunting in Texas

    Paul, I bought a kit from Lou in 1988. I assembled it myself, and I believe a kit price was right at $1,000.00 including the oar. RVZ
  17. R

    Scull Boat Hunting in Texas

    I own a scull from Lou. I purchased it in 1988. RVZ
  18. R

    Scull Boat Hunting in Texas

    Leonard, Lou Tisch who is a member of this site has done plenty of hunting in Texas. I know he was a scull boat hunter but don't know if he ever sculled the state of Texas. Maybe he will see your post. Or send him a private message. He would help any way he can. RVZ
  19. R

    Yamaha Outboard Tool Kit

    You shouldn't need a tool kit if you run a Yamaha.[;)] RVZ
  20. R

    Any idea on who made these?

    Dani, I have no clue who made them, but they are great pieces of waterfowl history. I am working on a rig of cork mallards and blacks to replace the dozen plastics my wife bought me for my birthday in 1979. By "working on" i mean purchasing a few at a time. Yours may be heavy, put them on...