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  1. R

    Looking Duck Boat Suggestions

    Greg, You might consider a TDB14 Classic. It will take bigger water, and you can hunt it with the blind up and gun out the back over the motor area. You sit on a chair with your back to the bow. It's a warm, dry, stable platform that can be hunted with 2 people and a dog when needed. RVZ
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    Getting ready - HIP & Duck Stamp

    Interesting concept Steve and very classy. I always thought the Federal Stamp had to be affixed to your license and signed in ink. It's a challenge to get the Federal Stamp on my non resident Michigan license so I put mine on the resident paper Indiana one. RVZ
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    Guns you wish you still had

    Anthony, The old corn husker. My granddad had one that our family inherited when he passed away in 1965. While in high school in the early 70's, my dad and I rediscovered it in the attic. We took it apart, cleaned it up, did an unprofessional re-blue, and put it back in service. We found a...
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    New Home Waters

    I look forward to following your new journey. Enjoy the retirement process. Congratulations. RVZ
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    What was your first Duck

    Shot my first duck in November of 1974. Was out rabbit hunting along a small creek in northern Indiana. I jumped a pair of mallards with a Model 42 Winchester pump 410 in hand. Dropped the drake stone dead in the creek. The good news is, I shot the duck, the bad news is, I had to wade in over my...
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    Last day of the season

    Looks like a Broadbill to me. Good start to end the season. RVZ
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    Saturday MARCH 2 - LIDCA Show - Hauppauge, LI, NY

    Great post Steve, and what an honor for you and your Dad. You certainly have a rich tradition of waterfowling in your family. RVZ
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    Good things come in 3's?

    I bet the one foot duck swims in circles.
  9. R

    Finally Back in the Blind

    Carl, When the birds get decoy and blind shy, are you able to hunt open water? I run long lines for a my diver hunting and when the birds don't run points or shorelines, I move out from shore in my TDB. However, even when they are flying, when they swing behind the boat, you know it's going to...
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    Finally Back in the Blind

    Tony, I live on the Indiana / Michigan border. Still open water in our area. Our push of divers came through later than normal and not the numbers we are used to. I watched close to 500 Goldeneye the week before the two day Michigan split. Saturday morning we shot a two man limit of Goldeneye...
  11. R

    Winchester Ammo "Rebate" Hoops. I.

    The same thing happened to me several years ago. I purchased more this year because of a great price and the rebate. I now have boxes with holes in them. The shells have an opportunity to sneak out of the boxes. I did receive notice that my rebate was being processed. I think Winchester requires...
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    Back on the Saltwater

    Nice hunt Carl. I see you went the safe route filling out with two buffies. I really enjoy your posts. RVZ
  13. R

    TDB 14 CL ?

    John, I still own a 1993 14 foot classic I bought new. The two long poles go in the front bow holes and the two shorter ones go in the stern back holes. If you switch them, it is impossible to set up the blind. I would recommend filling them with expandable foam in case one goes overboard. Rod V.
  14. R funds running low

    A check is in the mail this morning. Thank you Eric for making this a great site to visit.
  15. R

    L. L. Bean black ducks

    What is the new price on the Black Ducks? I may be interested.
  16. R

    Vintage Carhartt Heavy Canvas Bibs

    Hi Carl, you have a message from me.
  17. R


    They are 21 1/2 and 22 1/2. I have a 1993 Maine Built Classic with the original blind. The long ones go in the front and short in the back. If you fill them with expandable foam they will float. Don't ask how I know.
  18. R

    WTB Sculling Boat

    Daniel, I have a Lock Stock and Barrel 2 man scull from Lou Tisch. It is very similar to the Merry Meeting Bay boat. My boat is fiberglass. I am located in Elkhart Indiana. Rod VanZile
  19. R

    Pool 9 Open Water

    Do you have a split season that reopens?