Search results

  1. Ed Askew

    duck decoys for mud puddles

    I'm not sure what is up with the ducks this season, but all year long they have wanted to be in a couple of inches of water, no more. I have often watched them land on the dirt, next to the water. You could not begin to float a decoy in water that shallow. Also, if the dekes aren't moving...
  2. Ed Askew

    Been at it non stop

    Can not beat it. Ed.
  3. Ed Askew

    First Hunt of the Year in Coastal Alabama

    I can conmisserate with you on the dog, Carl. My Lucy, a Brit Lab, is only now reliably retrieving ducks in this her third season. Perfect on canvas or quail or any duck on land, didn't want to get ducks in the water. I tried everything but what finally worked was not worrying about it, just...
  4. Ed Askew

    Experience with my new Kara blind

    Finally I am killing some ducks hunting with the new blind. The first couple of trips I made with it, I found the ducks would come on in wings cupped, but if they got behind me, they never came back. They were seeing the dog. So I made a "T-top", sort of a miniature version of what you have on a...
  5. Ed Askew

    cool cell phone pic

    Cool. Black ducks too. Wish I'd been there with you. Ed.
  6. Ed Askew

    Shotgun Stolen

    Hangin's too good for 'em. Ed.
  7. Ed Askew

    What's your "go to" gun?

    870. I grew up shooting a regular 2 3/4" 870 I got for Christmas in 1975. I was 13 years old. When steel shot came out, I felt I needed maximum power and bought an SBE. I hunted with that gun, shooting 3 1/2" Federal Premium Steel #2 shot for the most part, for more than 10 years, but never...
  8. Ed Askew

    Kinda crazy... school shooting in our district...

    Paranoid Schizophrenia most likely. Just a random tragedy. If he didn't have a gun, he would have made a bomb, or poisoned people, or any number of other ways any one of us could devise to kill a whole lot of people. It's as if a tornado hit the school. A random tragic event. I know that...
  9. Ed Askew

    Emergency repairs, are you prepared?

    Ok John, my bad. I see "Long Island" down there and I am thinking the Atlantic Ocean in the winter. I'm thinking this guy is nuts. I've seen a couple of tragedies occur in the past when family members have been in a rush to get to the hospital to see their relative, and then were killed in...
  10. Ed Askew

    Emergency repairs, are you prepared?

    John I appreciate your feeling of need to get to the hospital to be with your daughter, but you almost created another even more serious emergency trying to respond to the first one. It seems you were in more danger than she was. It's unlikely family are going to be able to contribute much...
  11. Ed Askew

    Driving dogs

    Yeah, they can drive, but can they back up a boat trailer? Ed.
  12. Ed Askew

    Flotation for Hummer

    I have used inflatable floatation for kayaks in the past, under both decks for and aft. Now I'm in water less than 3 feet deep I don't bother with it. Ed.
  13. Ed Askew

    Thank you to the following members

    Thanks to you, Eric, to keep such a valuable resource for duck hunters going. I'm happy to help out any way I can. Ed.
  14. Ed Askew

    My latest blind for the Kara.

    It's not really a small boat, given it's 14 feet long, so it's not a kayak and not feather light. It can be built much lighter than Rob Leonard' original plans however. I wish I could find my website on, but can't. Here's the one on Anglefire if you've never seen it. Either way...
  15. Ed Askew

    My latest blind for the Kara.

    Thanks guys. Yeah Anthony I'm trailering it back and forth to Arkansas, about 300 miles. Then I have a little cart I made from a wheelbarrow (minus the barrow) that I used to haul it rickshaw fashion down rice field levees sometimes over a mile. I messed up my knee doing that last year, so...
  16. Ed Askew

    My latest blind for the Kara.

    Here it is. It's Raffia Grass woven through heavy duty polypropylene deer fence, that is attached to camo material (cordura brown camo). The blind has 4 pieces, two doors made of PVC frame that swing open to either side of the cockpit and one piece for the bow and stern. The doors attach with...
  17. Ed Askew

    New sneakboat prototype-Finished!

    Sweet. I love that boat. Very nice. Ed.
  18. Ed Askew

    Natural blind material. Brain Activation.

    Kudzu in the South and ornamental Morning Glories in the Northeast are two very different deals. I know Kudzu is a Morning Glory, but I've grown the ornamental Morning Glories in Louisiana and Mississippi and found that they certainly are not invasive down here. I live on 18 acres of forest...
  19. Ed Askew

    Natural blind material. Brain Activation.

    Grow them on polypropylene deer fencing. It's black, lightweight. Won't stick you and will never rust. Ed.
  20. Ed Askew

    Painting a portable gas tank

    Parker duck boat spray paint. My only prep was sanding. These are the 6 gallon boat tanks. At times I have brought an addition 5 gallon tank and just covered with some camo material. I painted those tanks years ago. Some of the paint did rub off right away, but not enough to matter. As...