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  1. M

    Teal/Dove Opener!

    Thanks Al! She was very excited, she's killed other ducks but this was her first bird to shoot while flying.
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    Teal/Dove Opener!

    The opening day of Early Teal and Dove season has to be one of my favorite days out of the year. We haven't had a big push of birds, but we were very lucky to have one field holding about 200-300 in it. They showed up like we wanted them to except on the far side from where we setup, luckily...
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    Who got out for Teal this Morning?

    Killed 18, one was double banded!
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    Fred Slyfield

    No not necessarily. Just the food nerd in me, when you have to produce millions of pounds to be as safe as humanly possible those practices go home with you sometimes. You'll be fine to freeze right after stuffing. Layout on a cookie sheet in your freezer, after they are froze then package...
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    Fred Slyfield

    You can dilute it with more meat. And as far as the freeze thaw debate as long as you use good clean practices and common sense you'll be fine. In the food industry, which you might not want to know, is they actually freeze meat when price is low and when market value rises they thaw it out...
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    Fred Slyfield

    You mainly cure when it's all pork. Longer shelf life and other reasons that we don't have to get in to. If you tried curing with gator it would just dry it out. I would fully cook it before freezing and that will kill anything you don't want and just make it easier to re-cook when you go to...
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    Fred Slyfield

    Dani- What I meant by the gator or chicken comment is that it does not have much flavor by itself but can carry flavor well. I've eaten a lot of rattlesnake and frog legs in my day and they are the same way. If it was me I'd smoke them at lowest temp you can possibly smoke. You can either...
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    Fred Slyfield

    You should be fine with 80% Gator and 20% fat. You can always do your marinade say, 9% water- 5% seasoning -1% corn starch by the weight of the meat. This will help add and retain moisture. As far a brats and Italian sausage, it can be classified by the meatblock, seasoning, and region it is...
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    Fred Slyfield

    Dani- You can do even amounts of meat or more gator than the rest. If you want it to be a gator sausage I would go 50-60% gator, 25-35% pork, and the rest chicken dark meat untrimmed. If you wanted to get a little wild with it you can mix in some duck meat, liver, hearts etc. in a 5% or less...
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    Fred Slyfield

    There are so many options you can do with this. I would blend the gator meat a 25% ratio to the other meats. I would choose fatty cuts that way you do not have to add fat. There are several pork cuts that you can use, and also might want to consider chicken thighs or leg quarters that...
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    Fred Slyfield

    What's your question Dani? I'm in the food industry and have a good bit experience making sausage. I have recently took on the task of curing and smoking bacon, talk about trial and error! LOL
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    Fundraiser for Derek Bendell's family

    Update- I am hoping to kick off the auction the next couple of weeks, there's still time to donate an item or service for the auction if you wish to do so. All proceeds will go to the link Hitch posted up. Also, if you want to know how Lilly is doing just go the link and look under updates. The...
  13. M

    Duck ID

    Ones that need to be taken out of the gene pool....
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    Teal Reports?

    Carl, They are slowly but surely piling up here. Hoping they continue to do so for the next couple of weeks.
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    Lake St. Clair - Canada Side

    Thanks for the info guys! I would love to do the hunt myself, but bringing all the gear needed to do so will not be feasible for this trip. I might try and hunt both sides if time permits.
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    Lake St. Clair - Canada Side

    Looks like I will be taking my mother up to Michigan next winter to visit with her aunt. I am looking into trying to hunt anywhere from 1-3 days on Lake St. Clair on the Canada side for the generous limits on Canvasbacks. I have killed 100's of them in my career, but it's only been one at a time...
  17. M

    East Coast Trip..pic heavy

    DUCKS - 32 (Huntable Species) American Black Duck - Anas rubripes American Wigeon - Anas americana Barrow's Goldeneye - Bucephala islandica Black-bellied Whistling-Duck - Dendrocygna autumnalis Black Scoter - Melanitta nigra Blue-winged Teal - Anas discors...
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    Fundraiser for Derek Bendell's family

    Many of you have seen Derek's post about the current situation with his baby girl being diagnosed with a type of Leukemia. Like most of I was unaware of this until I talked to Derek just maybe a few days after they had found out. I have been in touch with him over the past few years about coming...
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    Please vote!!

    The impact they have had on the Hiwasee Refuge and Wheeler Refuge is devistating, back in the day between these two refuges there could be 40k plus Canadian geese on them until the Sandhills started moving in. The numbers have now reversed with a solid 20k plus Sandhills on them during the...
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    Please vote!!

    Please take time to vote and not let the anti-hunting community determine the faith of another hunting season.