Teal Reports?


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Only about 11 more days before the early teal opener.
Anyone seeing much movement yet?
I saw two last week down here over the marshes along Mobile Bay.
We do not have an early teal season. Was out fishing for bluegill on a local pond the other night and saw 14 teal. They were skittish and took off as soon as I started paddling out. Bluegill fishing was fun. Took four or five gills in the pound and half to two pound range.

Tight Lines ... Fred
From the nesting grounds in south central North Dakota, I thought Teal numbers were way down compared to the last couple years. But all are duck numbers are down in this part of the state. Reports from other parts seem to be doing better, and some spots there was a lot of renesting, and people seeing duck on nest in late July. The last 3 years we have had a bit of a cold snap late August, it would flock up many ducks and send most Doves and many teal on their way. Doesn't look like that's gonna happen this year as we are forecast in the 90's till sunday then 70's-80's till the following weekend.
Only about 11 more days before the early teal opener.
Anyone seeing much movement yet?
I saw two last week down here over the marshes along Mobile Bay.

Working on the blind I have yet to see a Teal. Local Woodie, Mallards and geese only around here but no teal.

A cold front is predicted to come through Ohio on Sunday/Monday, lows down to the 50's. Out early teal season opens the 7th. I suspect a number of birds will have moved south by then.

While I have not had a lot of time to get out I did tromp around for hours this morning and just like Ed I have yet to find any numbers of teal here that have got me excited.