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  1. J

    two part foam molds

    Thanks Scott, I have tried the expanding pellets, but was never very happy with the results. My favorite decoys to hunt over are poured foam and hold up very well so I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm hoping that some warmer weather @80, along with the tips from the guys will lead to some...
  2. J

    two part foam molds

    You can usually weed those guys out pretty quick when you tell them to meet you at the launch at 10. Then remind them it's PM.
  3. J

    two part foam molds

    No companies, but I'm guilty in the boats department and according to some have a "problem" with decoys. However none of my hunting partners ever complains.
  4. J

    two part foam molds

    I'll check the weights of the different parts next time out. Not sure how to accomplish the "furnace fridge". We get pretty consistent summer temps of 100+ degrees, that might just have to do. I have a habit of overdoing it so I'm trying not to put too much energy into a few dozen...
  5. J

    two part foam molds

    Hi Lou, Thank you for the tips. Your decoys are fantastic! Ultra realistic and ride the water like a duck. I have them in 9 different species and have an order ready to go in when I think I can sneak it past the wife. Your FME paints are on most of my decoys which were painted using your...
  6. J

    two part foam molds

    I haven't tried tipping the mold up like that. I appreciate the tips. I'm using nearly 14oz of each part, which will only make 9 bodies per 16lb kit. At $60 per kit I can live with the cost of $7 per body, But when they turn out bad during the learning curve it hurts!
  7. J

    two part foam molds

    Haven't tried the wire in the drill. I'll give it a shot.
  8. J

    two part foam molds

    Anyone out there have some tips for using the 2-part foam in aluminum molds. I'm using the 8lb and even though it comes through even the smallest of seams, I'm not getting an even decoy. The temp has been over 70 when I've tried them. Any tips or experience would be appreciated...
  9. J

    Duck Boat Painting

    Carl, I just spent my ammo and call money on the boat. I can justify the stencils to the boss to help make an ugly boat "pretty" There's always money for decoys. Well, good decoys anyway.
  10. J

    Duck Boat Painting

    Hi Guys, New to the forum. Have always done my camo "freestyle". Looking at the Styxx River stencil patterns in either Max 4 or Shadowgrass. Has anyone used these? Would you recommend them? Any tips or tricks to try or avoid? Thanks for the help, Jason