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  1. Dave Simon

    They're gonna put me in the movies, and all I gotta do is..

    Build a boat or two. Apologies to Buck Owens "Act Naturally"! Anyway, we filmed a big time TV show out here last weekend, and this shot featured two duck boats I built recently. There is a cameraman and sound man in my Devlin Snow Goose, and another cameraman in my Busick one man layout boat...
  2. Dave Simon

    scrap plywood project - long line holders and a little quiz

    I had a lot of little scrap 3/8" plywood left over from boat building, so I made some long line holders. These may look a little "fishy", but they work pretty good. Make the tail and the mouth nice deep v's, and you can use the eye hole to secure one end. I just half hitch around the narrow...
  3. Dave Simon

    Pretty oldsquaw pics

    Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Pretty quiet out here, weather has been terrible for duck hunting, and can't bring myself to finish the y-boards until after hunting season. But the long weekend is looking up! Had a nice oldsquaw hunt out of the two man Busick layout boat. Here is a...
  4. Dave Simon

    Silhouette patterns - Brant, Old Squaw and Goldeneye

    Thanks to Carl for his Y board post and buffie pattern! Can anyone help me get started with some Brant patterns. I've drawn one so far and it is a little funny looking... I'm also looking to do a few GE and OS. I made a nice pile of sawdust and came up with 8 Y boards this afternoon...
  5. Dave Simon

    O Lord, the sea is so big and my boat so small...

    Up at 5:00, launch boat, motor runs perfect (after a $250 repair bill from the mechanic, sticky float due to ice, plastic tanks and whatnot...causing two cancelled hunts) crash through a bunch of 3 foot waves and a few lots bigger, cuss the weatherman/NOAA for the wrong wind forecast...
  6. Dave Simon

    Wild and bumpy layout hunt

    We had a quick hunt on Thanksgiving morning and were covered up in black ducks. They decoyed nicely in the little river behind the shack. My buddy dropped one promptly after legal shooting time and gave his amazing big lab "the Line". We were in a "S" shaped creek, and the bird fell over a...
  7. Dave Simon

    New layout boat paint scheme

    Busick one man layout boat I built last summer. Originally I just added dark grey pigment to the epoxy and brushed on the light grey. It fooled the birds, but didn't look great. Soggy brant, sorry paint job. Nice two man limit of greater scaup, but looks like I dipped a duck's...