Search results

  1. Mike Repp

    NDR new toy

    Been working with a new toy for a week or so. Been waiting for the weather to break to get some good viewing in. Well patience paid off, set up on Saturday on my porch anticipating rain. About 10 minutes after sundown the rain came. Drenching thunderstorm, raining in buckets. So I broke...
  2. Mike Repp

    wtt or wtb manual for White 1099 jeans machine

    I have a White mod 1099 jeans machine that I would like to use for canvas etc. I cannot find the manual for it. If anyone has a copy they would like to sell or trade (dont have much to trade but we'll see) I sure could use it. thanks!
  3. Mike Repp

    lake michigan die off

    Just got a call from my mom in the UP. An article in the local paper says DNR reported a large die off of waterfowl washed ashore near Gulliver Mi. This is near Port Inland which some of you might know better than the town of Gulliver. Anyway about 200 birds washed ashore, longtails, loons...
  4. Mike Repp

    It pays to advertise

    On Monday as I was coming down the stairs at work I happened to look out at my truck in the lot. On the windshield was a piece of paper. As I went out to take it of the truck I thought those darn restraunts are putting flyers on the vehicles again! I pulled the paper from the wiper and opened...
  5. Mike Repp

    NDR but boat related

    Spent a week in Guangzhou China on business end of last month. Ghuangzhou was formerly Canton and is Chinas 3rd largest city. It is actually a port city on the Pearl River that emptys into the China sea. I thought I would share some pictures I took on a boat tour on the Pearl River. Here is...
  6. Mike Repp

    Winchester 101?

    Has anyone any opinions on these doubles? I am in the market for a O/U, Cabelas will have these on sale next weekend. 12ga 28" barrel 3". Just wondering if anyone has any opinions on the gun. Never owned a double before and this looks like it might be a good starter gun.
  7. Mike Repp

    future hunter

    I started my Grandson's own rig on Christmas. Along with his new wagon I got him his first wooden decoy a hen mallard. Just this past week I added a second decoy to his rig a Bob Hayden Buffie. I cant wait to have him hunting with me. I guess I will have to find a place for all of his decoys...
  8. Mike Repp

    goose recipe

    I really hate the taste of goose so I normally give away my geese to those who like it not anymore! A friend turned me on to this recipe made it yesterday. Turned out awesome. The ultimate goose recipe: 1 or 2 goose breasts no skin. Lay flat and slice across the grain approx 1/4 inch...
  9. Mike Repp

    Life is good

    Yes indeed life is good with this global warming thing! Found this guy taking a nap in front of work today. Been seeing a couple of foxes running around this year. In the middle of the suburbs of Chicago just miles from Ohare! Very content just lying in the sun probably dreaming about...
  10. Mike Repp

    UP hunt opening weekend

    Went up to the UP for the Michigan opener. Not many ducks but geese were plentiful. Had this little guy fly in and hang around as I was breaking down the blind to head to another lake for the afternoon. He landed on my head, shoulders, arm he even tried to land on the camera as I was taking...
  11. Mike Repp

    new carstens puddler

    Yippeeeee Just got an email from Kristine at Carstens and my new puddler is shipping today! I have to say this has been one of the easiest, smoothest purchases I have made in a very long time. Of course i debated about it for three months. LOL. Anyway it got me thinking how do others who...
  12. Mike Repp

    Handheld GPS units looking for recommendations

    Well its time, I have to buy a new handheld GPS. I have had a Garman 12 for about 15 years has been working perfectly and i love it. Unfortunately someone stole it out of my boat. So i am looking for a new one. I am thinking of getting the Etrex Venture HC, waterproof and has storage...
  13. Mike Repp

    my new hunting partner

    Born on Easter April 24 7lb 11oz, 20in long to my son Michael and his wife Jessica. Meet Michael Ryan Repp Mom and baby are doing well. Need to buy him his first decoy now.
  14. Mike Repp

    Anyone know how I can get a PM to the administrator of this sight? I have tried to get on but never recieved a confirmation email. tried to re-register and it says that my email address is being used by a registered member (me) but I cant login. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks...
  15. Mike Repp

    Veterans Day

    Dont forget to thank a vet today for if it weren't for them we would not exist as a nation. Today I am thankful for my great, great....Grandfather. His father came here in 1735 and his son Conrad fought in the revolutionary war, at Brandywhine, Germantown, Trenton, and fought to liberate...
  16. Mike Repp

    longlines question

    I have question for all those who use longlines. Do you tie your drops to the longline and then clip to your decoy? Or do you tie to your decoy, put a loop on the longline and clip to the loop? Whats worked best for you?
  17. Mike Repp

    harvest time how is your garden?

    I thought i would ask how everyones gardens are doing. Mine is doing great! My patch of ground that I call a garden is only 4' deep by 25'. In it i have bean, peppers, cucumbers, summer squash, onions, carrots and 1 potatoe plant. With all this rain we have been having it has created a...
  18. Mike Repp

    at work today duck related

    I was avoiding doing any work today when I spotted this guy next door at the equipment rental. This guy is huge! I he was eyeing up these tasty little morsals that have been hanging out in our retention pond. these guys along with 6 geese have made this little pond there home. They...
  19. Mike Repp

    Lou the boys arrived!

    Lou got the package they are gorgeous! Joe if you read this you did a great job painting these red heads! Now go paint some more blue bills! Thanks again, Lou great doing business with you and Joe great painting job.
  20. Mike Repp

    Largest Beaver Dam visible from space

    Beavers sure do work hard! This beaver dam is visible from space. Of course they dont say how much magnification was used.