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  1. J

    Herter's Decoys

    With the Herters can you just paint and seal? Or do they have to be restle coated some way?
  2. J

    Wood Decoys for sale-make offer...

    How many wigeon do you have? I’m interested if the shipping isn’t too bad.
  3. J

    Almost Over...

    Man your videos are top notch! What editing program do you use? I'm just now starting out making my videos. I'm limited to one camera so they're a little "mono-tone" so to speak.
  4. J

    Storms in the glades

    Did a camping trip with a buddy from Virginia down in south Florida. Had some decent hunting and good times as always!
  5. J

    Hand me my gunnysack!

    or... a pale with a magnet wand to pick up all my empty spent shell casings. These buggers are acrobatic aerial con artist! Lol
  6. J

    Woodrow and a jerk

    Thanks for all the compliments on the dog work guys. I trained him personally with no experience at all in retriever training. He's got some flaws but overall I'm very happy with how he turned out.
  7. J

    Woodrow and a jerk

    It's hard to see, because most the time I was using it while looking at the ducks coming in. But look just below the mojo and slight to the right, you'll see a couple wigeon and a hen mallard hooked up. Thanks!
  8. J

    Woodrow and a jerk

    I rarely do it, but when trying to pick drakes out or having to pass on a certain bird like bluebills due to bag limit, he gets a little frustrated with me! Haha. But he's getting a lot better at "marking" birds before they ever decoy. Thanks carl, I love reading your reports up that way...
  9. J

    Woodrow and a jerk

    It's been a very tough battle for him to learn. I usually hunt him out of a momarsh invisalab blind, and it's easier to control him. He also seems to be significantly more stable when using it. The boat however, he tends to get ancy... just haven't used it as much. Thanks for the comment...
  10. J

    Woodrow and a jerk

  11. J

    Woodrow and a jerk

    Wife got me a gopro for christmas and took my woodduck hole as the perfect advantage to test it out. Its my first video and attempt at any editing. I made quite a few mistakes, but learned a lot in the process... Hope to produce something like Craig F one day! haha...
  12. J

    One for the record books - 2 Long Island hunts

    Loved this. Reason I enjoy this forum more so then the others.
  13. J

    Aquapod OR Hellbender

    Thanks Derek, that top pic looks to answer my question. I'm about the same body type, and it looks like he has a few feet to scoot up in to allow the dog behind him. That's great. Very well may be moving forward with it.
  14. J

    Aquapod OR Hellbender

    I know it's a specific request. But does anyone have a picture of a person with a dog sitting behind them? I'm looking for a sneak boat to use in this application. I want to be able to lay down and build a "hood" to cover my head and the dog which will sit behind me. If I could make that work...
  15. J

    DECEMBER - What's on your Workbench ?

    Been working on this can for way too long. ready to knock it out and throw it in the gunner bag. Nothing fancy and only my 4th carved decoy. I'll post finish product hopefully soon!