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  1. K

    People say/write the most amusing statements

    I agree that drown equals death. But drowning and drown are different. If you are drowning then you are in the process of being drowned but the drowning can be stopped and or reversed before death occurs. I stand corrected on the electrocuted. I've been shocked, not electrocuted.
  2. K

    People say/write the most amusing statements

    You got me curious so I looked it up and found: "Drowning is the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid". So you can be drowning but be saved before you are actually drowned/dead. Likewise, I've been electrocuted many times but it's never been...
  3. K

    I bought a decoy shop.. well kind of..

    Looks like a fake name snuck through?
  4. K

    DIY Cape Cod

    If it were me, I'd offer someone here to take me out for $500 or?. Cheaper than a guide and could make a new friend!
  5. K

    Fronds and Feathers - who do I owe?

    Bill, I sent you a couple messages but haven't heard back. Sorry for the delay but do you still want these?
  6. K

    Palm fronds for decoys - who did I promise?

    nobody interested in them?
  7. K

    Palm fronds for decoys - who did I promise?

    It's been too long for me to remember but I promised some fronds to someone to make some decoys. I finally got some good ones and would like to send them you. OR, if anyone else wants some and would be willing to send me back a decoy or two I'll send you a box of them.
  8. K

    Nobel shotshells

    who are you ordering through?
  9. K

    Towing cross country on small trailer tires...

    Just take it like it is and you'll be fine. And if I'm wrong it will make for a much more interesting story, LOL
  10. K

    A Christmas Doe Using Old Stuff

    That's a cool idea. We have to fill out and attach the tag to the animal (in both CA and CO where I hunt). Calling in would be pretty tough in a lot of places out here in the West with no cell service.
  11. K

    A Christmas Doe Using Old Stuff

    Neat story! What do you mean "call it in"? Do you have to call your wildlife dept. every time you shoot a deer? Never heard of such a thing out west (except maybe for lions or bears where they give out a lot of tags but limit the take to a much smaller number.
  12. K

    Bye Bye Filson, Hello Tom Beckbe (RANT!)

    I'll bet you could find a custom bootmaker that could fix it for you!
  13. K

    Arkansas Opener Video from Public Land

    We've had similar crowding issues here in CA but without the boats. The answer here on the most popular spots was to go to assigned ponds. They could do that in Arkansas by having the wardens post numbered signs at various locations and have people apply for them ahead of time and then have a...
  14. K

    Arkansas Opener Video from Public Land

    I think it's sad. I'd want no part in it.
  15. K


    Got it, spent 3 days at Tulloch in September and getting some decoys and a cart from another ducker named Scott (is that you?). Good luck Saturday
  16. K


    Welcome aboard. I think you make the second active member on here from CA. From what town do you come? I'm in Reedley.
  17. K

    Hurricane Milton

    Yes sir. ALL of my friends have one too, LOL.
  18. K

    Hurricane Milton

    Yes he is but he's crazy so there's no use arguing with him. And I agree about the looting but as I said earlier, he's crazy :)
  19. K

    Hurricane Milton

    Prayers to you all. I've got a buddy in Tampa and he's in the evacuation zone but he's gonna ride it out then be on looter patrol!
  20. K

    Live Decoys Making A Comeback?

    You only missed one part of it. Downloading an app and saving patterns is too much work. Just let AI take care of it based on all the conditions of the day. Then create a scope for your gun that only allows the gun to fire when you have the proper lead so you don't cripple or miss any ducks.