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  1. B

    Original British Thorndale Wax Coat.

    Outstanding original condition, worn very little, size XL, dark green, detachable hood, 5 pockets, game pouch on lower back. No damage anywhere, great duck hunting coat. $325. + postage from 04979,
  2. B

    ISO - Herter's Model Canada Bluebill (or Redhead) - in-use paint would be fine

    I may have a few oval iron decoy anchors marked "Herters ". Any interest?
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    Pouring Decoy Anchors

    I cast my own decoy anchors in a mushroom head shape with a copper loop to go around the head and neck. Never made strap anchors, but if I would, I would put a copper wire in the mold and pour Lead on that. Strap might crack but loops at each end will hold it together. 14 gauge or better might...
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  5. B

    H. V. Shourds shore bird. For Sale.

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  6. B

    WANTED: Barnegat Bay Sneakbox Boat Or Similar Style Boat

    This one is in Maine. I don't use it anymore. Stored in my camp for years. Cheap. Bob.
  7. B

    Do you name your boats?

    Only when they won't start.
  8. B

    Who remembers

    My good friend from N J was staying with us for a deer hunt in Solon Maine, back in the 1970's. We went up to Bingham to have lunch at Thompson's restaurant. Who walks in but Gadabout Gaddis. That made the best memory for my friend Tom. He didn't care if he got a deer or not , after meeting...
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    You can, you cannot

    My favorite diver to eat is an eider, by a long shot. Next is buffllehead cooked in the marsh on my portable stove. I used to carry foil,, pepper , apple, butter and bread, with my lunch. A half buff breast wrapped in seeded rye, wow. Now I'm getting hungry. I'm with Carl, up above on...
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  11. B

    Decoy & Hunting Books for sale.

    Yes, D Hinton I have Southern Decoy book. Bob.
  12. B

    Decoy & Hunting Books for sale.

    Duck Shooting Along the Atlantic, by E. Connett. $60. - Waterfowl Heritage North Carolina Decoys and Lore by Wm Conley . SOLD....- Southern Decoys of VA & Carolinas by Henry Fleckenstein Jr. - SOLD....... - Decoys of Susquehanna Flats, soft cover, by Evans McKinney $30. - Chesapeake Bay Decoys...
  13. B

    wtb scull boat

    Zack. Did you make contact with the Vermont scull boat? I have been a guest in this boat, very safe, seaworthy boat. The trailer is worth the price of the whole rig. Bob.
  14. B

    Sneakbox for sale. Price dropped. More info about the boat.

    Not sure who made it. I have had it for over 50 years. The canvas screen is down in this old picture. The boat has oars, side boards, hatch cover. I don't use it any more, might be a good boat for someone. BBSB is in storage. If interested we can go look at it in Solon, Maine. New price $400...
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    The Outlaw Gunnner, book by Harry M. Walsh M. D.

    Dale. Send me a message,
  16. B

    Getting closer....

    Anxious to see the new site. Bob.