Search results

  1. R

    People say/write the most amusing statements

    Never sat in on an EMS training session, but did my very best to stay awake during OSHA training sessions. How does Iowa define "amyone"? This could get interesting. We may be shocked to find out!
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    Whatcha Listening To?

    Just saw Eagles and Joe in concert last summer in Indy. He said, " I went to a party and stayed up three days in one night". Figure that one out. Good song. RVZ
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    Coffee Doodle 2/14

    Hey B, Fennville was just in the news. Finding dead waterfowl in the area. Six dead Canada Geese on the ice down my way. Supposed to call the DNR but our local guy never leaves his driveway. Enjoy watching your video. RVZ
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    Giant Geese Decoy

    I just sold my LSB scull boat back to Lou this summer. I purchased it new from him in 1988. From our brief conversation, he is still in business but I don't know how much he is promoting it. If you are looking for his 16 foot sculler, he is refurbishing some of his boats and still selling...
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    Question for the TDB or similar owners

    The 14 Seaclass might be an option for three people. It is a bit longer and the cockpit opening with the blind up is much larger than the 14 Classic. RVZ
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    Nobel shotshells

    Nerver heard of it either, but would recommend Kent Fasteel at $203.00 including shipping from Rogers. 3 inch 11/8 th oz 1560 fps. Case price. RVZ
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    January Workbench

    Dave. I loved the old photo of your dog leaning/relaxing on your blind bag. The first thing I thought about when I saw your name. I hope all is well. RVZ
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    Vintage duck boat ID help

    That is a beautiful piece of Waterfowling hisrtory. I have no clue as to its maker, but someone on here can certainly help. RVZ
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    Scoters on Mississippi Sound

    Carl, I'm on the Indiana / Michigan border. I have yet to shoot a puddle duck. Three weeks ago my first ducks in the boat were a Drake Bluebill (lesser) and Drake Bufflehead. Flight birds are just starting to show up, both puddlers and divers. Local geese are highly educated and we have not seen...
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    How do I get the bow down?

    Someone above mentioned the prop. The pitch can make a huge difference on small engines. I ran a 15 Johnson on my TDB 14 which went on plane perfectly. Had the marina replace a worn out prop and could not get on plane with the new one, it just plowed water. They changed the prop pitch on me. New...
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    Decoy Identification help

    I would agree with the seller. The keel definately says Great Lakes decoy. The large wide body would be consistant with Saginaw Bay, Lake St Claire or the Lake Erie basin. The relief carving on the body should be helpful in indentfying your decoys. The head and bill are very interesting and well...
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    Sneakboat Dilemma

    Noah, You will not regret your purchase. I have owned a TDB 14 since 1993. I know the east coast guys love the low profile look, but I think you can accomplish that with the flapper boards. Because of the lines of this boat they pretty much hide in plain sight in both the marsh and open water...
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    Mark, Did you make your boat or is it a commercially made? Very nice set up. RVZ
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    Readings on the Armistice day storm?

    The Day the Duck Hunters Died by Tom Davis Search the title and the article will come up. Sporting Classics. "Nothing escaped "the winds of hell" and the deadly, suffocating snows that swept across the Upper Midwest on that fateful day in 1940"
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    What Would A New Fox SxS Cost Today?

    Let me throw this in the mix. I shot my first duck while in High School with my Grandpa"s Model 42 Winchester 410 pump. RVZ
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    What Would A New Fox SxS Cost Today?

    William, I almost never hear anyone talk about their "Remington". I grew up shooting my Dad's Remington Wingmaster 16 gauge. Still have it and use it periodically. I feel the same way about it as Mr Sanford feels about his Model 12 Winchester. I purchased Versamax several years ago and...
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    Prayer for Carl's Home... And More

    Thank you Larry, My Daughter, Son in Law and two little Grandkids evacuated last night to Orlando from Tampa. They are one mile from the bay on one side and a little farther on the other side. Your words mean so much. RVZ
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    Sale Pending: Vintage Columbia Widgeon Jacket Large NOW $100

    Good morning Eric, Does this jacket have the attached hood? If so, I would like to purchase it. Thanks
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    Century Old Article on Duck Guns and Loads You'll Appreciate

    I love my vintage Remington 1100 with 30 inch barrel and fixed full choke. It still kills ducks and geese with standard steel loads. And as a bonus, I get to look at natural wood dressing on this piece while sitting in the blind. RVZ
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    Waterfowl harvest and breeding population reports are now available

    I just received my wing collection envelopes in the mail yesterday and am more than willing to provide the data for the Fish and Wildlife Service. I don't know why I was chosen again this year as it is the fourth year in a row. Have a safe and enjoyable season everyone. RVZ