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  1. R

    Drake Mallard Whistle???

    where i hunt that is the main call i use to pull in mallards and blacks.. u have to make a low vvvvrrrrrr sound so it sounds like a mallard quack
  2. R

    First Goose

    Sry will try and post pics tonite counldnt get the size right.
  3. R

    First Goose

    Brought out my younger brother today for the afternoon hunt and despite the nice weather we had a good amount of success. Not more the 15 min after we got setup we had a line of geese fly right at us and my brother managed to drop one. Soon after we had a pair of blackducks try and set in and we...
  4. R

    South Shore of LI ice is breaking up in the bay

    Hey guys I hunted this afternoon out of amityville and all the ice on the north side of the bay was pretty much gone. There was a decent amount of birds out there too but only managed one blackduck since the pintails just wanted to sit out in the open water
  5. R

    Skinned nose-wet shells-sore pads

    what do you do to get rid of the raw skin on your dogs nose my black labs nose has looked the same for a month and when i took her to the vet he made it sound like it wasnt a big deal but it hasnt gone away or started healing Rob
  6. R

    South Shore Waterfowlers Festival NY

    I will take the boat over in the morning if its nice out will still probably go even if the weather isnt cooperating just another thing to get me even more pumped up for the season
  7. R

    Residents angry over hunters actions

    I know the guy your talking about i hunt down here all the time and my friend my friend i have seen him drop off from 5-10 of his buddies and go out and run birds for them and they all just layout and skybust birds ruining the hunting for everyone else who isnt a moron and tries to have birds...