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  1. K

    What size kayak paddles for a Fatboy DP

    Bob, Agree with all...use the longest you can find. I keep a large spougne in my DP to get the water out that drips/runs off the paddle. Kevin Martin
  2. K

    Throttle Cable Freeze-up

    All, Wish to thank everyone for comments/recommendations. Sorry that I have not had a chance to shortly after I sent my original post my doctor put me in the hospital to get a tumor removed from my left leg. Looks like it turned out OK. Unfortunately things got worse (with my...
  3. K

    Throttle Cable Freeze-up

    All, The throttle cable on my longtail mud motor freezes-up every time the temp falls below freezing. Anyone have any ideas as to how to prevent this. Cable has a poly/plastic coating/cover. Its obviously the cable ...if necessary I can push the throttle linkage with my finger and it runs...
  4. K

    any SD prairie chicken hunters here?!?

    Chicken hunting is good in Kansas!....
  5. K

    Oar on a DP

    I'm working on it!!! I told her that with a mudmotor she won't have to haul the decoys as far as she did this season.
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    Oar on a DP

    Steve, Thanks for the reply....good point regarding the trim. Probably best to practice with a kayak paddle this summer and see how it works. If not, I'll re-look oars of will have saved enough to buy a mudmotor. Kevin
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    Oar on a DP

    Joe, Have polled before...not with a DP. I fear it will be difficult/exhausting polling against the the time I reset the pole I'll have lost much of my forward progress. Plus when the river is "up" the curent is stronger. Kevin
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    Oar on a DP

    All, Anyone have any experience/comments/lessons learned with mounting and using oars on/with a DP? I'm getting ready to purchase as DP which I will use primarily to hunt marches and rivers. However, until such time as I can afford a mudmotor I think the best way to for me to navigate a...
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    Original Fatboy?

    All, Does anyone have any experience with mounting/using oars with a DP?? Lacking the $$ to purchase a mudmotor this year...rowing is probably the best way to get upstream against moderate shallow river current with a load. Thanks Kevin