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  1. Howard

    Hail Call

    Is Todd Huber still here?
  2. Howard

    I've resurfaced!

    I hope everyone is doing well. Anyone seeing any ducks?
  3. Howard

    TDB question

    A customer of mine has a Maine built 14' TDB that needs new grass rails. Can someone tell me what type of wood the original grass rails were made of?
  4. Howard

    This is why you don't use polyester resin

    This is the AA that a customer brought in for repair, I peeled it like an onion. Decks, bottom and sides. we may have to redeck it.
  5. Howard

    Why does it cost so much to ship UPS?

    I ordered two Invisalounge seats from Cabela's. Both came in boxes like this. I couldn't help but marvel at the "common sense" approach to packaging. I could have built a really nice blind out of either of these boxes! This is classic.
  6. Howard

    Migration is on!

    These swans passed over the house Sunday. They would always thrill Sandy so much. She was a hard core swan lover.
  7. Howard

    Redneck solution to slip proof decks.

    This boat belongs to a customer who bought it in this condition. Just thought you'd get a kick out of the nonslip decks. Yes guys, those are shingles.
  8. Howard

    Six got a goose...

    I went to a lake over near farmville saturday for late geese. I hunted there the saturday befor duck season went out and noticed a pattern the geese were using. No flocks but several singles and doubles. There is an area where a finger of the lake narrows down just as it transitions into and...
  9. Howard

    She's ready to go..

    She's been spending a lot of time on the boat. OOPS! but I got the inline thingy working again! [inline IMG_1664.JPG] [inline IMG_1664.JPG]
  10. Howard

    Six does it again...

    I got a double with one shot on a pair of hooded mergs friday. Six saw them go down and waited till I sent her out and brought back the drake then stood on the bank looking out into the water so I just said,"Back". She walked back out untill it was deep enough to swim then headed right for one...
  11. Howard

    NDR Resize photo question...

    Can some one tell me how to resize a photo using windows 7? The only way I can figure it out is to just crop it but that is not what I want to do. I want to reduce the KB without losing any of the photo.
  12. Howard

    She's got it. BY GRORGE, SHE'S GOT IT!

    Six has been an easy dog to train. She picked right up on marks and hand signals, etc. Hunting was a different story altogether. She'd watch birds intently, close or at a distance just like a real hunting dog. Actually send her after a downed bird and she didn't have a freakin' clue. Time to go...
  13. Howard

    Sean Peters

    Has anyone seen or heard anything of Sean Peter?.
  14. Howard

    It floats!....

    Finaly after what seems like forever I got the new sneakboat actually in the water tonight. I had no idea how it would sit the water but it looks great! Super low profile, pretty stable. And pretty fast too. With me, Six, bling bad and gun I got 23 mph with a 9.9. With Six at the front of the...
  15. Howard


    My retirement! Today was my last full time scheduled day of work. I'm going hunting tomorrow.....and just about any other day I want to. I've been working Saturdays since I left the Army in 1992. Saturdays AND Sundays for the last 15 years. My "weekend" was Thursday. I'm looking forward to...
  16. Howard

    New sneak boat

    Well at long last it is huntable although still some detail work to do befor itr goes to Soloman Island. It started out as a ZT Widgeon and then I thought with so many people wanting planning hulls, lets take the rocker out of the stern. Then I thought, " If I widen the bow, I can put in more...
  17. Howard


    Check your messages.
  18. Howard

    Thank you so much guys....

    For the support, kind wishes, prayers and the beautiful flower spread. I don't know what to say. I guess that's just how duck hunters are, at least the ones here. Of the 6 pall bearers, 3 were her grandsons and 5 of them are duck hunters. Again, thanks so much on behalf of all of Sandy's...
  19. Howard

    Sandy Montjoy

    I know there are several people here who know Sandy and know that for several years she has had some health problems. We lost her at 1207am today. I want to thank everyone for your prayers and kind thought over the years. I really expected to bring her home tomorrow but it will not come to...
  20. Howard

    Victor decoys

    I have become intersted in victor decoys and have decide dto see if I can collect a few. I found 3-4 mallards some years ago in the trash and about 3 seasons ago I picked up 9 black ducks with swivel heads. The mallards and blacks I am currently using as the majority of my puddle duck spread...