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  1. Board Photo.jpg

    Board Photo.jpg

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    Motor Mount Questions

    Have done some more digging, and it looks like the 12-degree transom angle shown in the above illustration is used because it is the most common. Tweaked the model a little, and it appears that a 15-degree angle works best for my boat/outboards combinations. Went rummaging through the garage...
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    Motor Mount Questions

    Thanks for the encouraging word, Neal. I think you're right about wedges not fitting on this setup.
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    Motor Mount Questions

    Came across this article: on the relationship of motor depth, boat speed, motor heights, motor angles, etc. The part I found most useful is the following:
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    Motor Mount Questions

    Thanks for the additional input. For some unknown reason, the Outline Dimensions diagram from the Service Manual for this outboard indicates a 12-degree transom angle (see below excerpt from that manual). Maybe that's what is common in Japan, where this outboard originates. As for buying a...
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    Motor Mount Questions

    Carl, I just measured, and the ventilation plate is about 1.5-1.75 inches below the bottom of the boat. The engine manual calls for the ventilation plate to be between .2 and 1 inch below the bottom of the boat. So I don't think that's the issue. Thanks for your input, however.
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    Motor Mount Questions

    I'm hoping to add a mount to the transom of my duckboat. The 2 photos below illustrate how it sits on the boat now, and how it would sit on the transom if I fabricate a mount along the lines of the model shown. For years, with 3 separate motors, a problem arises from time to time where the...
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    Motor on Boat.jpg

  10. Motor on Bracket.jpg

    Motor on Bracket.jpg

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    Dumbest Question ever

    Turns out the question wasn’t so dumb. Also, the answers were fascinating. This place never bores me.
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    SBDB - Home Stretch....Grassing

    Outstanding work. Thanks for the inspiration. Now if it will just stop raining I can hope to put the inspiration into action and go cut some grass for the duckboat.
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    Bufflehead Drakes v Hen Numbers

    Thanks for the input. Guess that means the apparent sole full-plumage male in the group of what looked like about 20 bufflehead doesn't have quite the harem he first appeared to have
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    Bufflehead Drakes v Hen Numbers

    Had a slow day on the saltwater yesterday so spent a fair amount of time peering through binoculars at far off bufflehead. Seemed like there were hardly any Drakes. Is this common? Don?t think I?ve previously noticed it
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    Any Mallard Evident in this Black Duck?

    Thanks so much for all the responses. The depth and breadth of waterfowling knowledge (and the the generosity evident in folks' so freely and, apparently happily, sharing it) are amazing.
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    Any Mallard Evident in this Black Duck?

    Dani, I recall the speculum as having been all blue, but then I looked at this picture of the duck's other side, and now I see a block of white on the left wing. Not sure what that is. Jeff, I'm in Rhode Island, and thanks very much for sharing that report
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    Any Mallard Evident in this Black Duck?

    When this duck was falling to the water I thought quite likely it was a hen mallard (in that posture its breast feathers were quite prominent). Was I completely mistaken? It is a hen, and it seems to me that the black ducks I usually get seem to have much darker breast feathers. Didn't matter...
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    The next project..... Arthur Armstrong Blackjack

    Thanks, Steve S. This setup makes for much greater hunting comfort
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    The next project..... Arthur Armstrong Blackjack

    Dave, Technically I can reach the decoys with the flaps down, but for safety's sake I don't intend to. I have a pole with a hook I hope to use to retrieve the decoys if deployed in deep water. So far I've only hunted spots where I can retrieve the decoys on foot while I have the boat alongside.
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    The next project..... Arthur Armstrong Blackjack

    Dave, If you plan to shoot over the gunnel, you may want to consider the Steve Sanford situp blind. Here's a recent picture of the one I completed this season (the dimensions are very close to the ones that Steve provided). I've hunted out of this setup 4 times now this season, and have...