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  1. B

    Decoy Carving Help

    I am looking to get started carving hollow wood decoys. I live in Portland, OR and would like to know where to get carving materials for a reasonable price. Where is a good place to start looking for carving stock, and what species should I be looking for. Thanks for the help. I can't wait...
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    "bigger boat"

    Dave, what is so bad about the Duck Water boats? They look pretty good to me.
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    Well, it sucks to be me

    There are some excellent physicians out there. I pray for you and the docs to put up a fight and win.
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    what other kinds of hunting do ya do?

    Other than waterfowl, I love hunting upland game, especially chasing Chukars in the river canyons of Oregon with my pudelpointer Tukr. I also chase mule deer and antelope form time to time. I dream of hunting a bighorn sheep, mountain goat, and moose. Those are the hunts on my bucket list.
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    Bird hunting around Kalispell

    I am heading to Kalispell for the holidays and was wondering if anyone knows of any upland bird hunting opportunities around there. Thanks for the advice and Happy Holidays.
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    How do your earn your living?

    Very cool thread. I am really enjoying seeing what everybody does around here. I sell surgical equipment to all hospitals in the Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Most minimally invasive equipment for abdominal surgery. The best part of my job is the cool tools I get to remove fish hooks.
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    Whose planning trips this year?

    Headed out to North Central Montana the end of October for pheasants, grouse, huns and antelope. Should be great! I've got a 1 year old Pudelpointer I've been working on and this will be his first hunting trip so I can't wait to see how he does.
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    Small portable dog stand idea

    Please let us know how this works. I don't want to spend 180 either and have been looking for options as I do alot of walk in hunting in standing water.
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    Gorgeous lines, brute force, half clad beauty queens (Suprise ending)

    Todd, Nice pics. Where did you go tho see those? I absolutely love old warbirds. The plane you are questioning is a Grumman Bearcat I believe. Brian
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    Great Birthday!

    As Mike said, I think they use some kind of printer for it and transfer it onto the cake.
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    Great Birthday!

    Hey guys. I am on this site dialy reading your posts but hanen't posted much until now. It was my 30th birthday this weekend and my wife threw me a surprise party. Check out the picture of the cake she had made. I thought you all might enjoy it, it tasted as good as it looks. Brian
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    I live in Oregon, so I don't get the cold that you folks in the midwest and east get. However, the water is around 40 degrees. My dog, only six months old, went to the duck blind twice in the last week of our season and loved being in the water and stayed warm with his neopreme vest on. He...
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    Went to look up some info on "Doodles". Most of the versitile breeds of hunting dogs out there (giffons, wirehairs, pudelpointers) have poodle in their genes. These crosses took place over 100 years ago when men in Germany were refining the breads to their exact hunting needs. So, some breeds...
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    I have a Pudelpointer and couldn't be happier. Its a lousy name that miss represents the dog. About 1870 some folks in Germany crossed 70 or so English pointers with 7 German Water Poodles (no longer in existance). This origianal beeding stock is what all of the Pudelpointers of today came...
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    Sam's first duck hunt

    You should get him one of those little SxS capguns so he can feel like one of the big boys...
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    Idea for Recipes/Eric Patterson

    Is there any way that we could put a section on this site dedicated to great game recipes? I know many of you have some killer recipes and I would love to try some of them. What do you all think?
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    Washington Sheep hunt

    What a great experience to share with your son. That is one hell of an animal. I'm jealous.
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    ok guys, pic caption time....

    Sparky had a different definition of Ducks Unlimited
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    Traveling Decoy Vote

    Yukon Mikes Canvasback Dave Sikorsky's Mallard Hen They all look great though. Can't wait to hunt them. Brian
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    Decoy Material

    I found a nice stockpile of 3 pieces of 4 X 12 basswood in 10ft lengths. Is basswood a good wood for decoys and will it be ok if I glue the two pices together? I have never carved a deke before and want to make sure I buy the right stuff. Thanks