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  1. J

    First Hunt!

    Yep ...taking the kids is the best...Took my 5 year old boy out for the early goose opener...he was so fun to watch...Tonite he put on his hip boots ,coat ,calls and toy gun and sat out by the the lake in the pouring rain till past dark ,he even ask me for a flashlite so he could stay out...
  2. J

    Look Guys its official

    Dear Mr colman one lucky bum ,we still have about 35days till early goose .........mike
  3. J

    Good news for us Westerners...

    Great info......We see huge numbers of pintail in westeren Oregon , it would be nice to get more than 1 per day , 2 or 3 might be ok , but like anything we all need to move slow in any increase of bag limits ,cause we all know what a dry year or two can do to bird numbers...jmike