Search results

  1. J

    Trailer tires

    If this is a tandem axle trailer, i would take a tape measure and measure from the center of the hub on the front axle to the center of the hub on the rear axle. Take that measurement and then measure on the right side tires the same way. They should have the same measurement. If not, you might...
  2. J

    My new boat blind

    I did my county line in the blind grass. Now working on doing my momarsh in the blind grass as well
  3. County Line.jpg

    County Line.jpg

  4. J

    Sevierville, TN

    Go to Bucce’s
  5. J

    Yet another wader question

    To find the leak i use a shop vac and reverse it so it blows air out. Put the hose in and seal the wader around it tight then spray it down with soap and water. Just like you used to do when finding a leak in a bicycle tube.
  6. J

    Momarsh Fatboy DP motor bracket height question

    Height is 9.25 inches
  7. J

    Sneakboat Dilemma

    I too hunt NJ. I hunt 3 different boats depending on the area and weather conditions, Hunt mostly alone 12ft Roy 13ft Momarsh Ftaboy DP 1240 County line.
  8. momarsh.jpg


  9. County Line.jpg

    County Line.jpg

  10. CB6.jpg


  11. Roy Boat.jpg

    Roy Boat.jpg

  12. J

    Trailer needed

    Franklin Trailer, Spring Garden marine, Salem boat exchange
  13. J

    Are people really like this???

    I think it's mostly the up-and-coming waterfowlers. You waye to them and they stick their nose up at you. I was out with a buddy who got stuck on some tree stumps and some kids blew by him with their surface drive motor not caring about safety at all. These were the same group that I shined a...
  14. J

    County line Boats?

    I too have been looking into these boats as well. One thing that is stopping me is where I need to get to most of my spots, you have to go thru big, fast water. Not sure how it would handle the chop. Looking into more of the 10ft model
  15. J

    How to get my boat on the water

    How about using a tilt trailer?
  16. J

    Northern Flight Marsh Seats

    My Avery did the same thing. I carefully removed the stitching on the cover. Got a piece of 3/4 pressure treated plywood and cut to the exact size. Instead of using screws on the bottom I used flat head machine bolts with fender washers to hold the base on. Once that was done I sprayed the snot...
  17. J

    Outboard Motor Covers

    I actually do the same but once the bag is split, I then take tennis netting and attach it to the bag. Then tie my grass to the netting
  18. J

    Outboard Motor Covers

    Check this one out Custom Decoy Bags - Custom Decoy Bags by Diane
  19. J

    SUCCESS !!! need outboard repair thoughts from the brain trust.

    Carbs could be gummed up. I had a Suzuki DT25 that did the same thing. Had all 3 carbs clean and adjusted then it ran great
  20. J

    Guided Hunts

    Thanks for the info. I will look into them when I get a chance