1/2 day pheasant hunt

Gary March

Well-known member
It was snowing and I decided to go pheasant hunting today. Left work at noon. My camera work sucks as it is much easier to take pics of waterfowl. River and I had a fun day chasing these guys. The first pic is of River and the second one is of a rooster dead in the air. Third is at the end of the day. It was getting dark.

Thanks for looking

Gary March




Heck even pictures you are concerned about are better then any I take. Looks like River is happy as long as there are birds to be retrieved. Those pheasant have some pretty genetics, blue backs, wide white ring and nice crest. Very manchurian looking, especially if that white speck near the ear is a white speck and not a lose feather. Sorry I'm from SD, I over-analyze pheasants. :)

With your camera work being about as close to professionalism as it can get, I'm trying to figure out what sucks. That had to be a high to catch that cock pheasant "dead" in the air. Well, it would have been for me. Nicely done, Gary.
Great pictures! To get that rooster in the air.......amazing! I'll have to admit,I love any picture
with an AWS in it.
You are a very talented person, with great photos and opportunities to capture a story with pictures. I checked out your web site and was very impressed with the shots you've captured over the years. Too many favorites to list, please keep them coming.
