11ft Schellinger hunting techniques

Casey Roohan

New member
How many guys can u hunt out of an 11ft low boat 1? 2? 1 and a dog? And depending on how many how do u set up in the boat? Thanks looking at an 11ft low boat, haven't seen it yet.
How many guys can u hunt out of an 11ft low boat 1? 2? 1 and a dog? And depending on how many how do u set up in the boat? Thanks looking at an 11ft low boat, haven't seen it yet.

Most important thing is to get to your spot FAST, so forget the partner or dog!
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What is the coast guard rated capacity for that boat? I would think at 11 ft., it would only be rated and licensed for one person.
Ideally sneakbox style. a highbox is fashioned towards 2 men comfortably my brother and I both pushing over 300 pounds both gun out of my high box nicely plus gear and we still crank 30-33 mph according to speedview via android. Have had that boat in some nasty stuff also. It gives most boats of a larger.size a run
When u had to hunt two how uncomfortable was it? and how did you guys sit? thanks again just wanna know before i go look at this boat.
Not sure what the weight rating is for that boat,I would try to find that out first....We sometimes use a small marsh boat to transport 2 guys then 1 guy hunts from the boat and the other hunts from a layout blind. Works good to get into some really shallow spots and get hidden.I wouldn't cross any large bodys of water with my rig and 2 guys though.
I have an 11 ft roy low boat. I hunt myself and my lab comfortably out of it. Pushes us really good with grass and decoys. It only has a 9.9 hp Johnson on it right now. will be upgrading to a 15 hp 2 stroke when I can. It still pushes me close to 20 mph. Ive been clocked without grass and gear or decoys, just with my dog at 21 mph. still gets it with only a 9.9.