I am trying to change the impeller in the above outboard. I have dropped all the bolts holding the lower unit in. Is there anything holding the shift linkage togethe?
What brand? My Yamaha's have a long nut that holds the two ends of the shifter linkage together. It is located on the forward side of the tail shaft, between the foot and power head, and you have to separate them to drop the lower. On reassembly, it has to be properly adjusted so the shifter works properly (lokcs into fwd, neutral, and reverse)
Finally found the shift linkage disconnect. You have to remove the starter and the pin that holds the linkage is under the carb. All this to change a water pump impeller!
Here is a great place to find a digital manual for your motor if you are interested-www.tradebit.com-Usually between $5-10 for an outboard. They are the factory manuals in digital format.