the Dodge vs the Ford
Are those your only two choices? If so, I'd probably pick walking. All kidding aside, if both my dad and my father-in-law weren't GM retirees, I'd probably go Toyota.
I'm sure that wasn't helpful at all
I cringed with a paid $15,000 for my 2008 Jeep Liberty. My son bought a new 2012 4dr, 4wd Toyota Tundra with all the bells and whistles. Nice truck but just shy of $40,000! I didn't even try to talk him out of it. Right now in his young life he can make the payments but I'll give him year or two before he has buyers remorse. Maybe the next time he won't just walk into the showroom and say "I want that one" without asking any questions.
Sorry didn't mean to get off base.
I wouldn't buy any vehicle I couldn't write a check for...a bit of a pet peeve
How about finance it at zero percent - is that okay?