2014 - Signs of the apocalypse

MLBob Furia

Well-known member
Ah, yes.... Tell me again how Phil Robertson is good for waterfowling:

“Do you know what makes me happy, ladies and gentlemen?” asks Phil Robertson in a video ad for his family’s brand new line of guns on the website of firearm manufacturer Mossberg. “To blow a mallard drake’s head smooth off.”

Hmnnnnn.... Wonder if there will be any "indignant sportsmen & sportswomen" who flood Mossberg with letters, calls, & e-mails expressing their outrage??

Or does milking "family values" and praying around the table cover a multitude of stupidity, plus prove beyond a doubt that H.L. Mencken had it right when he said : "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

I can't believe the number of nonhunters that love that show and think that is what waterfowlers are really like. Sorry to their fans but they are not who I want to represent me as a waterfowler. The reality TV is way out of control...but then maybe our whole society is going that way?
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You'd think a good Christian with strong values would be a better steward of our Lord's resourses than to take joy in blowing its "head smooth off.". Good for waterfowling? Comments like his ring through to me about the direction of society in general.
Last time I checked KILLING ducks is what we do. So it's OK to show photo after photo, of guys and dogs with DEAD Ducks, but don't talk about it........
I don't think we can blame this one on Willie. just follow the link, and watch the promos.

Last time I checked, I'm a hunter who not only kills ducks & geese, but one who also respects the resource and the privilege. I would rather not see waterfowlers characterized as delighting in taking the heads of mallards "smooth off." Might be the sort of attitude that leads to trashing blinds, stomping hens, etc.

But then again, if a scowling, blow-the-head-off- 'em exterminator, in full face paint is what we want to represent what we do, and defend it, let's not waste our breath bemoaning the sad state of the new breed of waterfowler we seem to be encountering (and picking up after) nowdays.

Sure do want me one of those Mossbergs with the "Faith, Family, Ducks" engraving so I can be just like Phil. Bwahahahahah
Strangely up until those last 10 seconds of the last commercial I sort of liked them... well at least they didn't bother me. Why Mossberg thought that last line was needed I don't know. But I'm sure Mossberg isn't worried about it. They market to a certain crowd and price point. Those offended the most aren't the people who buy their guns. That isn't meant to be an insult to the ones buying their guns either... or those not buying them. I actually think commercials matter less for them then their price.

As far I can tell Phil has children who have not fallen far from the tree. He has never worried about anything but his image and making money.

On his worst day Phil is better than the other 99% of " hardcore, extreme, if flies it dies, exterminator, killing machine & time, super duper fowler, duck slaying, migrator master, flyway terrorist, duck droning" dipshit waterfowl show hosts and pitch men out there. I rarely watch show, think there calls are junk and the decoys are horrible. As for the faith, family, ducks logo, it's not for me. But is better than meat stick, widow maker blah blah blah crap stickers. This country could use a lot more faith, and family.
As for Willy or any of the family being sell outs.. 50 million in Walmart sales I believe. You could put my name on tampons and sell half as much and I'll still laugh all the way to the bank.

Gene R.
I think the Theology of Wealth doesn't impress me a whole lot, and that faith & family is a good thing - but as a marketing ploy for an autoloader or pump it ranks right up there with "meat stick " and "widow maker" decals for depth of meaning ;-) ;-)
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I think the Theology of Wealth doesn't impress me a whole lot, and that faith & family is a good thing - but as a marketing ploy for an autoloader or pump it ranks right up there with "meat stick " and "widow maker" decals for depth of meaning ;-) ;-)

P.T. Barnum's statement might be a better fit than Mencken, Bob, given the show's structure (reality show that offers a heavily scripted and concocted "reality"). Add some calliope music playing in the background to be more appropriate to the storyline. As Worth Matheson earlier alluded-a group of scowling outlaws parroting the C and W outlaw genre popularized by Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, David Allen Coe, et al. years ago.

Waylon Jennings summed up Phil Robertson quite well...as did Eric Hoffer when he authored, The True Believer.
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You know, he could have played pro football.

Maybe we could get Spaulding to make a Duck Commander embossed football...that could save us from this apocalypse Bob predicts.
I'm with you Bob.

I just don't understand guys that have hunted for years and years and still have that "blow their brains out".... "bloody carnage".... "if it flies it dies"... attitude.

To me...they demean the animal and the sport of hunting.

I've learned to ignore it.

Just my .02
I'm not a fan of "duck assassins." Just plain low brow and ignorant. You don't HAVE to be a moron to enjoy hunting but you wouldn't know it if you ever watch TV. Stupidity and hunting go hand and hand in the minds of the general non-hunting public. And to tell you the truth, from my personal experience, this attitude is not unfounded. "Hunters" disappoint me constantly. MOST of the "hunters" I've run across do not have any respect at all for the animals they kill or the resources they utilize. I've seen guys shoot coots all morning in a duck impoundment and never even consider picking a single one of them up. Then they laugh and joke about it as they pack their stuff into their trucks at the landing. I know a guy who shot over 70 blue-bills with two other dudes the last day of hunting season last year. They literally hunted all day. By "hunted" I mean they dumped hundreds of pounds of corn around their blind all season long and periodically slaughtered ducks there as they came into eat. He took a bunch of outrageous photos of himself and his buddies wallowing in piles of blue-bills. I know damn well they just threw the ducks in the woods as soon as the photo shoot was over. In my neck of the woods EVERYONE baits ducks. The only thing ducks eat around here is corn. I am not exaggerating.

Then deer hunters. I love to deer hunt. In eastern NC dog hunting is legal. For those of you unfamiliar with this phenomenon allow me to enlighten you. A bunch of fat, lazy, dumb, rednecks dump dogs into blocks of woods that have roads cut through them. The dogs are equipped with electronic tracking collars. Either radar or GPS. The "hunters" sit in their trucks and coordinate SWAT style assaults on running deer via VHF radio. They use their electronic tracking equipment to position their trucks on the road in front of where the deer will jump out. These guys never get further than a couple of feet from their trucks the entire day. They will do anything they can to avoid getting out. They sit in the road facing opposite directions and talk to each other while they listen to the dogs bark. They drive up and down the same roads 70mph all day trying to get in front of the dogs. Then they spend the rest of their time catching dogs. Actually, if viewed from an outside perspective, it appears that all they do all day is drive around trying find and catch dogs.

Teenagers in my area love to go out at night and shoot deer in fields using their spotlights. They just leave them there to rot of course. I am not exaggerating when I tell you this happens just about every night. I've gone out in fields before and found 5 or 6 dead deer just laying there waiting for buzzards to do their thing. More than a few times. It's openly discussed among guys around here and joked about. No one even seems to have a problem with it. And even when they shoot deer in the day time they often just throw the whole carcass on the bone pile. We have a place where we dump our deer scrap in my club and I'll go there to make a deposit and find a perfectly good entire ungutted cow-horn or doe or buck with his antlers missing just sitting there rotting. Not to mention the gut shot or leg shot deer I find dead in the woods that caught a bullet crossing a road while running full speed.

It's a damn shame but I know it's true. The vast majority of hunters really are a bunch of low-life ignorant bastards. And those of us who aren't have to endure being lumped into the same pile with these SOB's. I don't blame people for looking down on "hunters."

Sorry if offended any of you. I'm sure some of you just freshened up your corn piles right before you read this. However, I know there are a few of you guys that know what I'm talking about and you enjoy this particular forum for the same reason I do. This is a better crowd than what you typically find anywhere else. If you actually value the resources that we are so fortunate to have available to us. And respect the creatures that we kill. You may be in the minority but know that your not completely alone.
I've seen guys ... I know a guy who... I know damn well they just threw... In my neck of the woods EVERYONE baits ducks. I am not exaggerating...
Teenagers in my area love to go out at night and shoot deer in fields using their spotlights....
I am not exaggerating when I tell you this happens just about every night... It's openly discussed among guys and joked about...It's a damn shame but I know it's true...

If it's really as bad as you say, don't just bitch:
REPORT WILDLIFE VIOLATIONS - 1-800-662-7137 (Raleigh Area 919-707-0040)
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i have attempted to turn in violators three times -

once - a salt block in a popular for deer hunters state area, offered to show them where, it was still there a week later

once - duck hunting on a state waterfowl area- saw guys shooting over the limit and making no effort to recover, on my way out if found a state officer in the parking area. I told him about it, he said he couldn't do anything about it since he had no waders or boat. I offered the use of my waders and canoe. no takers

again- on a federal area- someone pass shooting geese inside the protected area and after legal sunset. found a fish and wildlife officer, said he couldn't go look because he was waiting for someone, i offered to wait in the lot and let the other officer know where he went. no deal.

on top of this most conservation units are overwhelmed and understaffed, they can't react to every complaint.

it is sad - but most violators know the odds of being caught - outside of massive poaching operations are slim, if they don't get caught - it's a bad image for us.
If they do get caught - it makes the news - they are referred to in the media as hunters and its still a bad image for us
I hear ya, Rick. Resources are tight. I rarely get checked in ant given season - used to be a regular thing. But if all one can do is call a violation in or report it, it still needs to be done. It may lead to a CO concentrating the time and resources he has in an area that needs watching.
Can't agree that if violators get caught it makes us all look bad, so do nothing.
I will say that my experience is that the hunters I know are responsible people who follow the rules and respect the traditions. Haven't run into very much slob behavior (outside of a few years when someone felt bottom of the ramp in my favorite slough was the appropriate dumping ground for his yearly deer carcass), but if I was seeing anything illegal on the scale and frequency being described above, I'd sure report it.
By the way haven't forgotten your request for a picture of the exposed speculum on that blackduck; I'll get to it and P.M. you.