3/16 solid rivit source


Active member
I need some 3/16 solid flat head 5/16s long rivits to fix a aluminum Jon boat. I can buy a pound of them from Hanson but I need about 30. Not 650 (life time supply).

Any other sources of small volume?
PM me your address.

I have a couple pounds of 3/16" aircraft rivets. They might be a little longer, but they're easy to cut down.

I'll send you about fifty.

Jon - how do you ncut them down without severing the inner pin?

Solid rivets for aluminum repair have NO inner pin. They must be hammered. You'll need a pneumatic hammer with the proper head shape and then a backer block for inside.
Yeah, what Lou said...

There are actually many kinds of rivets. Most used in boats are solid and get "hammered" to compress them. Usually the aluminum rivets used in boat building for above the water have rather large, pan heads. The flat head variety require a special drill to countersink the head. Those are usually fairly specialized. Most decent quality aluminum boats have those along the bottom.

You would match the rivet diameter with the hole dia. I think you probably would want the rivet length to be at least twice the thickness being fastened.

If you are talking about rivets with the "rod" in them, those are "pop rivets". They require an inexpensive special tool or "gun" as it's more commonly called. These ARE NOT waterproof, although I've read and heard of some you can buy that are advertised as being "waterproof". I wouldn't trust them in a boat.

I hope this helps explain what I mean. I'm sure there are guys on here who are a little better versed with words who can explain a little better.

If the round head variety will work, let me know...

McMaster Carr has a good selection of rivets and you can get them in lots of 100
Stainless steel machine screws work well too and are easier to get tight by yourself
Seal them with a dab of 5200
I've used both methods and prefer the machine screw method
Check at a place that repaires semi type trailers, most have an asst. of sizes. They should sell ya just the few that ya need. For a few bucks they just might use their pneumatic riveters& set them for you.
www.hansonrivit.com has all the info you would ever need on grip ranges. They also have every possible rivit. I just don't need a pound of them.

I am looking for closed end pop rivits. I intend to use them with a dab of 5200.

I am fixing a free 12x36 jon boat for use only in early season (when the water is still warm).

Jon - thanks for your generous offer.

McMasters carries the closed end pop rivets by the box of 100 or less. I've used them on a couple of projects. Just be aware that they don't have the shear strength that solid rivets have.

Just ordered 100 sealing blind rivit Domed—Aluminum with Steel Mandrel from McMasters.

I'll see if they work for a small jon boat.