A Harker story, a little more bad news but something good too

Funny story here, I wanted to let you know, I was out at dads house yesterday and on his half wall mantel in his living room sat this piece of corn next to a couple of his traded decoys... I thought to myself hummm what is this piece of corn decoration why is it here and where did he get it.... Now I know....

He must have felt it was from a great friend and he truly appreciated it or it would not have been displayed there!

Thanks for sharing and god be with you on your travels in the coming months!

Lees Daughter

I'll be getting to the hospital at 6am tomorrow for an 8am tee off so I need to go in soon, but before I do, I want to thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.

I am humbled by your messages of support and grateful beyond measure for your taking the time to send them.

I dont know what the day will bring but if all goes well the plan is to release me on Friday.

I will update as soon as I am able


You've got good vibes and prayers heading your way. I'll also send more vibes for more seasons of turning leaves and whistling wings for you to see at dawn every fall.

Good Luck,
Ron Schuna