Adios Amigo


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OAK Born Dec 1, 1999 Past January 30, 2011 WE shared a birthday, a blind, and a family. Thank God for single malt scotch, and that's all I have to say about that.........................................
I know how you feel buddy!

I'll share one of those single malts with you tonight...a toast.

Full skies to your buddy, BB. I too will raise a single malt to him and all his working companions at the end of the 2010-11 season. Thanks to them for enriching our lives and being steadfast hunting companions.

Puppy-breath heals broken hearts.
So sorry to hear of your loss, Brian. I hope your heart and mind are filled with the many memorable duck hunts that you shared. It might have been just a ride in the truck! God's Peace.
Im sorry to hear about OAK, Bottoms up , and theres a bra brek a moonlec nec tonec mate.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Sorry of the loss BB...Hey I am back in Fort Wayne and close enough to come share a scotch with ya...


Special K