Adrenaline Building!


Well-known member
I have been so excited here lately seeing all of you guys and gals with your best of show pictures of the birds you have taken...I did get some fix with early teal and my manitoba hunting...But for only the second time in my life (20+ maybe closer to 25+ years) I will finally fight the gumbo mud, mosquitoes, and unforgiving cypress knees of North-Central Louisiana to actually timber hunt starting on the 21st...Going to miss the opening weekend due to travel but from the 21st to Dec 5th I am hoping to at least get a scratch a few out as they descend through the Green Oaks and cypress trees...I have watched countless hours on Youtube on timber hunts of the yester years of timber hunting...Hoping to get a bag of mallards in the timber...But would prefer the full bag of grays...

My opening teal hunt this year had me caught like a deer in headlights when the first flock of bluewings passed within 15 yards of my spread...Just seeing the colorations in their wings as they darted past was enough...My buddies claimed I at least knocked two out of the bunch...But honestly I did not fire a shot...I even opened the breech of my gun to prove the point...

But know I am ready...Wish a safe season for the masses...I'm still scared shxtless of that possible swimming log down here gator country!



I walked up on a 7-8 foot gator the other day out wandering around. I know what you mean. Scared the holy B-jesus out of me!!!! It's hard enough watching the sky for stuff but now I have to watch the water too! I'm definately wearing camo skevies for that imprompt run to the Doc-In-A-Box when I forget to watch where I'm walking.

Be safe out there and have a good season.

Ed L.
Don't worry, too much anyway, about those logs with eyes. It's the snakes that can give you a thrill. I've had them swim between my legs and even try to climb my leg on warm days, even though it is winter. Had a moccasin race up my arm and over the shoulder once while brushing a pit blind at Mer Rouge. That sure got our attention. It had crawled through a fire ant nest and was covered with them. Just trying to get away from the ants and I seemed to offer a nice escape route.

Have fun down there.

Special K,
My envy runs deep my friend. I really miss the Big Easy.

Have a great and safe season. We keep a candle burning for you up in Evart just in case you decide to go Nomad.

Regards, B
Thanks guys...

Jeff...I might make a weekend hunt over there during the split if your season is open...I need to check on the dates...My biggest discouragement on hunting Mississippi is the out of state expense for non-resident hunting license for 2 days...I believe last year I bought the 7 day at $125 a pop...But it is better than paying the court fees and other fines for not having it with a boat full of birds....

I will give you a ring before Thanksgiving...

