AK pics

Capt. Brian Rhodes

Well-known member
I have a ton of shots I took up in Ak this past season. I'll be posting em' up here.

Unfortuantley the sunlight is a hard thing to come by in Valdez during the time I am there, which makes it tough for pics.

Anyway, here is a batch. If your into them, I'll post more.












Again, great shots! Steve told me that the Harlequins were small, but with them next to the Barrow's I can really get an idea of how small. Very cool photos. Thanks for sharing. Keep em comin'!!
love that one of the Otter eating the Gunnel Fish......

Keep mixing in the scenery and the animal shots........

I love it when new memebers with cameras show up.....new pictures and it always jump starts everyones enthusiasm......


love the otter and the seals...those are great!


Very neat to see the Harlis and Barrows in the same picture like that.
Thanks for sharing those with us.

immature Common Goldeneye?

Head shape is different....forehead is less vertical.....bill appears to be longer......and I think I'm seeing a just the hint of the white "dot" on the cheek....

Steve,,how did you ID the fish? just curious

Great Photos makes me want to get back up to Alaska and visit my daughter..
I can see inside his, (see I kenw the Otter was a make too), mouth......

Seriously its a judgement call based on seeing Otters, Mergansers, Cormorants and Loons surface with them with amazing frequency over the years.....once you've seen a few you can tell em by the color and shape....they must be incredibly common, not to mention slow and easy to catch, given the frequency that they end up as "dinner"....

Steve...having only actually seen Barrow's a couple times I'm no expert but I think you are definitely right...the lead bird is an immature common in my opinion. In terms of shape and coloration that bird is very different from the Barrow's hen.
I guess I never realized how truly different the two species are. The drake's head almost looks like it has a black mask on...like one of those Mexican wrestling masks.

Ringnecks are referred to as "Blackjacks" quite often...maybe Barrow's should be "Jackblacks"......get it?
immature Common Goldeneye?

Head shape is different....forehead is less vertical.....bill appears to be longer......and I think I'm seeing a just the hint of the white "dot" on the cheek....


Now that you mention it and I blew it up you might be right.
I wouldn't put money on it but it does look like a dot starting to show.

Very interesting shots . . . I've heard barrows are smaller than common goldeneyes, had no idea how small harli's must be . . .

In reference to size, what ducks in the Mississippi flyway would barrows compare to? Harli's?


I wondered if it was that "expert" opinion thingy..and by golly it was...around here cormorants and mergansers are a limiting factor in some areas on game fish, I might have said something else.... for example a Bonneville cut... At a reservoir in Idaho the state boys are wanting to kill all the cormorants as they are suppressing the trout population.

As far as otters....well to see one around here is a rare thingy...let alone a sea otter...
Brian I sure like that shot of the seal on the small piece of ice. Beautiful shot. Love those shots of the Valdez area. Been out there a few times in the 60's.
How many dusky geese did you take? (insert smiley face)

I remember Captain Tim getting hammered by the Oregon guys on his "trophy" dusky hunts. When they found out we can take four "dark" geese a day they got all kinds of butthurt over it thinking we were actually taking 4 dusky geese a day for the whole season. No ammount of explaining calmed them down.

One of these days I am going to get over there and mess around for some ducks, but that is one seriously long drive from here. Easier to just go to Homer.
A gunnel fish! Thanks for telling me. I asked every one 'up there' and no one could tell me what kind of fish it was. It look like a cross between an eel and a perch.

Now that you mention it Steve, it does appear to be a young common, good eye!
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