After reading the wright up you gave on Mr. DECOY AL MC CORMICK Brought Back some fine memories Of Dealing & Working with him.BACK IN THE 70'S. I first met AL at the L.I. Show At His work station an was fascinated by the way he made his decoys out of the Black CORK & THE HOME MADE TOOLS HE USED I told him I make A Few myself but with different tools He Said Why Dont we get together at his house some day,So I called an we got together for a day in his shop & I learned a lot, Which most of us carvers out there would agree,. No matter who you visit we always learn something.Al Precided to ASK ME iF i WOULD WORK WITH HIM AT THE L.I. SHOW THE FOLLOWING YEAR I SAID YES ,& ONE YR. BECAME THREE YRS.FOR I WAS THERE TO COMPETE ANYWAY.
For helping him those years ,he made & gave me a solid turned head SLEEPING BROADBILL DECOY LAMP ,WHICH I TREASURE & HAVE TILL THIS DAY. MANY OF US WHO WATCH AL WORK AT THE SHOWS HE WOULD REFER TO A 8 by10 PHOTO HE HAD ON THE WALL THAT WAS MADE BY CHARLES DISBROW AL 's FAVORITE,decoy PART OF THE FAMOUS THREE FROM THE CONN.AREA. ALBERT LANG ,& SHANK WHEELER .I decided to make him a exact copy.When i gave it to him you think i gave him a $MILLION DOLOR'S he WAS SO HAPPY & EXCITED. SINCE AL'S Passing.I TRIED TO TRACK IT DOWN,I FOUND THAT A CARVER,COLLECTOR BORROWED IT TO COPY FOR HS OWN COLLECTION . I contacted him and he said he returned it to AL,I had my doubts ,I have never seen it since. God rest his soul.End of story.