We're getting it on the coast this morning, under a tornado watch and there are warning alrady to the west of us. Going to be a bumpy next couple of hours.
With this warm weather, we are going to be in for a lot of nasty storm fronts this late winter & spring. Could easily be as bad as last year or worse.
I plan to hit it one last time tomorrow for the big divers. We have tons of gadwalls here as well but they are really tough to hunt, i'd rather hunt birds that actually decoy....
Overall, this has been a good season for me, better than the last couple and we definately are holding more birds than the last 5 years.
Mostly to do with the fact our grassbeds are recovering from Ivan, Katrina and the droughts that followed.
If we had gotten cold weather this year, the hunting here would have gone from good to excellent.