An update and Turkey pics.

jode hillman

Well-known member

For all my friend here at Duckboats. I wanted to take some time and update you as to what has been going on around these parts. I completed demolition of my dearly beloved barn to make way for a new structure. It was bittersweet to see it go, but it was too badly charred to be saved. Starting fresh has it's benefits, hopefully allowing me to making upgrades that will be much needed.

I looked at several options and decided a pole barn would be the best fit for my current needs. Attached are some pics of the layout and framing. I have other pics as well, but can't figure out how to get them off of my old cell phone!

I also would like to take time to thank the multitude of friends, family, carvers, collectors and even strangers who have helped my family and I during the recent times. The outpouring of love and support has been overwhemling and often surprising. Without this help however I do not know how we could have survived the recent events. We are truly blessed and thank everyone for their past, present, and continued support. I am still a good ways off from being able to carve, but it feels good to be moving in a positive direction.


Did I mention today was NJ Spring gobbler opener!

This morning started out cold for a NJ springtime, 31 degrees at 4:30 am. I did not have high hopes because in similar years spring cold fronts have slowe down the Gobbling activity but I wouldn't miss opening morning for anything. Especially after the year I have been having.

Because of what has been going on around here Re: the fire and rebuilding I only scouted one day this year, about two weeks ago. I heard one Gobble that morning.

Today started slow with no talk at all on the roost or anywhere I could here. So I set up in the woodlot along a logging road with a field edge 200 yards away. As the sun rose silience still ruled. About 6:30 I hear a far off gobble.

It seemed to come from the far end of the out of sight feild. Soon I heard a few more gobbles.

So I decided to move a little closer but still stay off the field and on the logging road.

After I was set up in my new position, I made a few cuts and one yelp to which there was no reply. I decided to wait. About 5 minutes later I hear very steady cruching of leaves coming thru the thick laurel on the other side of the trail. As I looked into the heavy cover I see a blue head about 40 yards out , appear and disapper in the brush.

Unfortunatley it was crossing left to right, but angleing slightly away from me. As the gobbler passed behind a tree I gave a real soft purr. He opened up and gobbled loudly, as did the BIGGER tom 10 yards behind him! This bigger Tom was coming straight in. When he stepped into a clearing at 15 yards I put the bead on his neck and lights went out!

This was the first opening day bird I have killed in several years and it sure was a great feeling and a boost to my mood! Unfortunatley i did not have a decoy to use but did call it in with one of my calls.

10 3/4" Beard, 1" spurs, 19 pounds.


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Thanks for the update Jode. I've been wondering if you were moving forward on the rebuilding of your shop and it looks like you are making great progress. I guess the bright side to this as you eluded to is that through this process you are able to make upgrades. I'm glad you were able to take a break from it all and enjoy a spring morning in the woods. Congrats on the turkey!
Congrats on bagging an opening day Tom, Jode!!

Good luck with your barn building. I am looking forward to see more pics of your progress.

I'm headed out to the turkey woods tmw morning to try my luck - fingers crossed...

Brian F.
Way to go Jode...It doesn't get much better than harvesting a fine Tom with a call you crafted yourself. Our regular season opens up this weekend. I haven't done any scouting at all yet, I guess I'll just have to wing it. I have had pretty decent luck doing that in previous years, but I'm not going to hold my breathe. I'm just looking forward to having a really good reason to get out of the shop - I have to test my calls ya know.

That new shop looks like it will be providing ample space for your carving needs. Looking forward to seeing the progress...

Congrats on the turkey Jode and I am glad to see things are moving along in a positive direction. Lord knows you need it and before too long you will be back in business!
Everything is looking good, Jode. Thanks for the pics and congrats on that nice turkey. Called the "spice" in life!
Thanks Guys, it was great to be out hunting again. Bagging the bird was a bonus (that eats good!)

I am relieved also to finally see progress in a positive direction. It sure beats where I was.........
Thanks Guys, it was great to be out hunting again. Bagging the bird was a bonus (that eats good!)

I am relieved also to finally see progress in a positive direction. It sure beats where I was.........

Great on both accounts Jode. Good to see!

We open Wednesday!
Nice bird Jode and great progress on the barn. I go back out in the morning. Been chasing a tom for 3 days and think I finally have him cornered. We'll see...

Take care and God bless! Pat
Must have been a quick morning. I got your text by 7:10 am. Kyle is gearing up for his first bird hopefully on Friday. We will be down by Swedesboro.
Yep, shot the bird at 6:40 or so. You'll be right down by me, let me know how you guys do or stop in if you want.
A few more progress shots of the barn. Outside just about done. Put some gutters on today, getting ready for the rain. Inside work still underway.
