Anti-hunter shot in face

Worth Mathewson

Active member
Many on this page are likely aware of the serious (and successful) anti-duck hunting movement in Australia over the past few years. The antis have been able to ban hunting in the States of New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland, and The Australian Capital Territory. Of all the Australian States, New South Wales was the top State for bird hunting, both waterfowl and quail. The ban in this State is much the same as if hunting was banned in Arkansas and Louisiana.
The States remaining open to hunting are Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and the Northern Territory. Victoria is known as the second best hunting State in the country. But for the past three years the antis have come very close to gaining a ban in Victoria. And to a lesser degree, South Australia.
The duck season in Victoria opened this weekend, March 19th. Hundreds of anti-hunters turned out to harass the hunters. Their methods include wading out or taking boats, surround hunters and blow whistles and wave flags to flair the ducks. If I recall correctly, they are required to stay 20 yards distance from hunters. In 2005 I was surrounded by about 15 antis. It proved to be an interesting morning, and I wrote about it for Delta Waterfowl Magazine.
Hunters are powerless to do anything about this. The reason is the gun laws. Even a SPOKEN threat is grounds to totally lose a gun permit. In most cases, for life! The antis are very aware of this and nearly all carry video cameras to record any threat made against them. The female antis seem to be the most vocal in trying to trigger a threat. My friends down there report that their favorite taunt is to suggest hunters have a small penis, so kill birds to make up for it. One friend summed it up by saying "Those little darlings can certain come up with some remarks hard to ignore."
On March 19th. a female protester was shot in the face. The police have ruled it an accident. But as you can guess, the antis are making major headlines over this. You can read a full report by pulling up Next to Breaking News, is Victoria. This is the one you want. Also there is a news video to watch. It was filmed as first aid was being given the protester.
I have a bad feeling about how all this is going to play out. The ban on hunting in Victory has been very close, and this might tip the scale. I am due to go down on May 10th for three weeks. Now I am not so certain.
Also I would like to point out that on the web page of the Herald Sun there is currently a reader's vote on banning duck hunting in Victoria. I am in hopes many of you will take the time to vote NO. Thanks for your interest in this. Worth Mathewson
Many states in the US have Hunter harrassment laws that give the hunter a legal course of action to combat the anti's.If they carry video equipment to record your actions then the same could be done to prove you are being harrassed.The hunters down under should also banned together and fight for protection laws with the same zelous as the anti's.Good Luck with you hunting season's
The flag waving interlopers seem to be very aggressive. I wouldn't want a hunter 20 yards from me. What protester wants to be well within lethal distance of a hunter? Just to make a point? That seems WAY too close for safety. She only got 10 pellets, so I assume it was incidental. It seems like a very complicated situation for hunters to negotiate.
Thanks Worth for the heads up.
As hunter numbers dwindle the nuts sense the edge and go for the throat. It almost happened in Maine with the bear hunting. Half the wing nuts from Boston were up there trying to get the anti vote out.
We will be sure to face the reaper if we do not each take an active role in growing the sport and voicing our hard work to the Pols. whenever they are getting bills that deal with any outdoor hunting\fishing\trapping issues.

Democratic Socialists will destroy niche culture around the world by moving their various agendas with mob rule. Heritage and Culture are what make life exciting and make each of us unique. Individual rights that can not survive majority (mob) rule will become a thing of the past in countries where Socialism is permitted to spread. SOCIALISM IS CANCER. Our REPUBLIC is at war with Socialism. The Waterfowling heritage here in America, some day, could be a thing of the past as well, if we cede all power to the Democratic Socialists.

A balance of Republican principles and Democracy, as are founders created, and a STRONG STAND by all of us as good stewards is our only hope.

i posted up for ya , im pissed that them bunny huggers can get away with that,here if you interfere with a hunt you will be charged...
tho this season i tried to get a person charged but he evaded the police until he begged the landowner to help as he would loose his buisness if he was convicted,,,since they were friends it didnt get to court,,,and he still watches over wayward teenage girls ,which i informed his bosses of his display in the field ...fits of rage is what it was....he almost ran over us...trying to scare a flock of geese away from us.... the vid cam will be rolling next way would i let him watch over any kid of mine.....

Your quote of "[font=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Democratic Socialists" is pure bullsh#t. The rest of your post was very good.
Maybe he isnt meaning all democrats, just those. Most antis are not conservative. Just the way it seems. The anti agenda is not being pushed by the conservatives, at least what is visible. Dont want to argue. I vote in my own booth and you vote in yours.
Some Democrats are Socialists, or Progressive is a softer term that some of them prefer. Even some who call themselves Republicans support Socialist or Progressive ideology. Some, like Obama, will never admit they are Socialist, while some like Hillary freely admit being Progressive. Regardless, those who use simplistic majority rule and use Democracy to promote socialist ideology (trampling on individual rights) are Social Democrats or Democratic Socialists.

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Dam! Even here in Liberalchusetts We have hunter harassment laws. We have a little cow pond that we hunt once in a while. There is a house about 1000' away only separated by an open field. The woman who lived there would come out in her back yard with her orange rain suit blowing a whistle jumping up and down every time the ducks would be circling. Finally called the DEP, they threaten to arrest her and never had a problem again.
I have posted this before but I think it fits the state of affairs you mention..

C.S. Lewis
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.

This is a war were in and what happened in Australia is just giving the Anti's more leverage. This should never happen here, this incident is making the hunter look like a heartless killer. This puts the Anti in a better position and its one more battle they have won. In the big picture it's one step closer to them winning. I hope none of us ever lose our composer and possibly compromise our sport.
we used to hunt a spot where every one would have pellets rain down on them,we would just not look up when shots were fired from another blind..
so this leaves to think that she was looking to get hit...
Do what Minnesota did and make it a contitutional right to hunt and fish. I know a couple of other States have the same constitutional language. Makes it real hard for tha anti's to change the State Consitution and outlaw hunting.

Mark W