tom modin
charles h
steve sanford
jim williams
hank yorke
rich hohler
jeff cassatr
wendell avery
neil mullins
jeff tarr
john aug
Sean Kane
Birds need to be completed ready to ship to get into the final draw. No pic posted or private messaged you do not get placed into the hat
tom modin
charles h
steve sanford
jim williams
hank yorke
rich hohler
jeff cassatr
wendell avery
neil mullins
jeff tarr
john aug
Sean Kane
Mike r
Brandon y
Matt brooks
Looking great
tom modin
charles h
steve sanford
jim williams
hank yorke
rich hohler
jeff cassatr
wendell avery
neil mullins
jeff tarr
john aug
Sean Kane
Mike r
Brandon y
Matt brooks
A. Michael Chase
tom modin
charles h
steve sanford
jim williams
hank yorke
rich hohler
jeff cassatr
wendell avery
neil mullins
jeff tarr
john aug
Sean Kane
Mike r
Brandon y
Matt brooks
A. Michael Chase
Darrin Clark
Thanks Darrin with the picture deal it goes smoothly and decreases the issue of getting burnt. Plus I will cover and ship you a bird if there is an issue. There are several on the list I have personally been in trades with, bought birds from, drank beer with and am in contact with so I can vouch for them. As for the rest of the bunch I am positive they are good folks, well as good as decoy carvers can be