Any interest in a decoy swap this Spring?

need to let cure, finish bottom and keel them up. simple gunner will keep both of them home until trade just in case a second bird needs to go out.


I'd like to get in as well. I will be in for a cork bird most likely a canvasback. when do you need the pic? Looking forward to shooting someone elses bird for once!
tom modin
charles h
steve sanford
jim williams
hank yorke
rich hohler
jeff cassatr
wendell avery
neil mullins
jeff tarr
john aug
Sean Kane

Birds need to be completed ready to ship to get into the final draw. No pic posted or private messaged you do not get placed into the hat
Okay, now I am really confused. Do I need to have the decoy finished now, or by a certain date? I am seriously considering getting in on this. However, if I must have the decoy finished now, I am out.

Mike in CT
By the may date posted sorry if it was confusing. You can sign up to be in but without a decoy done a picture by the draw date I don't put your name in the hat. This cuts down on folks not getting a bird or waiting months to get a bird. It worked very well the last swap I was in
tom modin
charles h
steve sanford
jim williams
hank yorke
rich hohler
jeff cassatr
wendell avery
neil mullins
jeff tarr
john aug
Sean Kane
Mike r
Brandon y
Matt brooks
A. Michael Chase

get carving!!!! only two months left
Put me on the list. I sat out last year after getting burnt the year before, but with the new conditions, I'll give it a go again. It will be a cork bird. I have a drake buffie ready for sanding and paint, so that will probably be the bird.
tom modin
charles h
steve sanford
jim williams
hank yorke
rich hohler
jeff cassatr
wendell avery
neil mullins
jeff tarr
john aug
Sean Kane
Mike r
Brandon y
Matt brooks
A. Michael Chase
Darrin Clark

Thanks Darrin with the picture deal it goes smoothly and decreases the issue of getting burnt. Plus I will cover and ship you a bird if there is an issue. There are several on the list I have personally been in trades with, bought birds from, drank beer with and am in contact with so I can vouch for them. As for the rest of the bunch I am positive they are good folks, well as good as decoy carvers can be :)
Here is my entry. Cork body Basswood head Redhead gunner. Recipient gets the choice, high head or content. Note to self: I need a better picture taking set up. Sorry for the crappy pics. Maybe if it is sunny out tomorrow I'll snap some better ones.


If you find some other people that carve foam I will set up a swap for foam birds. This swap is limited to wood, cork or stretched canvas. Thanks
Tom and all: Due to a frenzied work and personal schedule, I need to withdraw my name from the swap. I hope my early exuberance and inability to follow through do not cause a problem.

Maybe next time.

I'm in with a canvasback.. I hope whoever gets it kills a couple over him! I'd be proud to float any of the birds i'v seen so far!