Any turtle hunters here?

I finally found something that my good friend Andrew can do , next year before we hunt the swamp i will send him in to catch those turtles !!

To funny !!

Dave M
I am so glad you saw this........ because that is exactly what I was thinking.......

I love to eat turtle but that's just crazy. I'll gig'em, shoot'em, net'em, but I'm never going turtle dunking.
Priceless quote. " If theres no turtles you can maybe find a big ol' bullfrog, maybe a snake." "Or Typhoid?" "'d be a water snake." I think I just spit bud light on my computer screen.
Bob - I had snappa once and was surprised how it was pretty good - now I know how to catch my own - well maybe not.
I don't hunt 'em,and I don't pass 'em up!!I know a lot of boys from South Carolina at bear camp say they taste like chicken! But for every "SNAPPER" you get how many duck-lings/goose-lings you think you have saved????
I've had turtle soup a number of times in Nawlins. Good stuff! I've always wanted to catch a few and cook them up. May actually try it this spring/summer. We have plenty of standing water up here now. Probably a good time to catch the buggers.
