Anybody building a boat this year???

quit whining and sketch up some patterns. You need a full rig fo 7-9 black ducks done before October.
Charlie,first Im going to finish your carving knives,then Im going to refinish a couple I have in the shed,a Piroque,and a Arthur Armstrong sneaker,Ill have pics for ya shortly,Brian
Here's a boat on paper. I don't think I will have time to build it this year. I need to carve a rig of decoys first and maybe build a Busick layout. In the pictures the transom is not shown as it sits 15 degrees off from the other molds and the bow frame isn't shown, as it is horizontal.




Cabin fever already. The season just ended 3 days ago. Boy-o-boy you must have it bad. Anytime you get the itch to see a boat being built come on down to the yard. It may not be duck boats but maybe you would like to take a tour of a nice 60' to 70' motor yacht geting rigged.
John...Yup....I have been on many motor yachts. I used to install shower doors on Ocean Yachts on City Island many moons ago.
Todd...Your right
Brian...I can hardly wait to see those knives, I will be working on a little fix up in the spring as well
Andy...What type of boat is it??
I hope to be...I am getting married in August, currently backed up about 15 commissioned gunning decoys, and stripers will be here before I know it....but I am going to try to build a Ztaylor widgeon before next season too!

I have built two layouts in the past, and modified an old canoe into a sneak. This will be something new for me.
My buddy's neighbor, and newbie duck hunter Daryl is building a Black Brant 3. Not much progress I don't think since he last posted a few weeks ago.
Once it warms up a bit I'll be putting together a Devlin Pole Boat. I have the wood, just need to order the epoxy.
Pete, How many Devlins have you built?? What type of hunting will you be using the pole boat for?
Bill, Congrats on the wedding...newlywed ...hhhmmm.....I don't think you have much time for boat building...:):)
Paul, Looking good..!!! Keep us updated on your progress

Anyone else?????????

I've built a KARA and a BB3 and they both server their purpose very well though less so the KARA. I just don't have that much flooded fields to hunt and it won't really take waves at all. So the Pole Boat will be used as a skiff for small lakes, rivers, creeks, etc. I intend to use it for fly fishing pan fish also. Sam has it spec'd for 6mm plywood but I will be using 4mm to save weight. What I don't need is another 125 lb. boat that needs to be moved on a trailer (like the Kara). My goal with the Pole Boat is 60-75 lbs.
I'll be watching you.;<). You will really like that one and I hope you get a few more pounds off of it. I for one am seriously considering a pair of Chesapeke Light Craft Wood Duck Hybrids, check it out. My better half has expressed interest in recreational kayaking and who am I to argue???
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Not building a boat.. but repairing the TDB type thingk I bought... the transom is on...

I do have several photoshoots, some deer and 10 birds yet to mount... so.......
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Charlie, I finished a sneakbox last month for the Virginia Water Fowlers Assosiation and plan on finishing my 17 footer and certifiy it this spring. I need to refab my 14 footer befor putting it up for sale and I have a repair on another customer's boat too. Nothing else planned but I may redesign my sneakboat with a planing hull just to see how it turns out.

Charlie, I finished a sneakbox last month for the Virginia Water Fowlers Assosiation and plan on finishing my 17 footer and certifiy it this spring. I need to refab my 14 footer befor putting it up for sale and I have a repair on another customer's boat too. Nothing else planned but I may redesign my sneakboat with a planing hull just to see how it turns out.


Howard, What type of boat is the 17 footer?? I am always impressed with the boats that you build for the different waterfowl organizations to aid them is raising funds. Great work for sure. I would love to see more of your work.
Charlie, The 17 is essentialy an over grown DH II with a V bottom. Lenght is 17 exactly, width of the floor is 5 feet with a 72 inch transom. The gunning box is 36 inches wide. I've add another compartment in the bow section for decoy storage that i think is goin gto work really well. Joe O has seen the hull and thought it was a Garvy. I started it almost 3 years ago and have just been too busy to finish it. This year for sure!!

Interesting story on the V hull. I used 4 pices of 8 foot ply (fir) for the bottom. I cut the width to 30 inches for a 5 foot width. After scarfing the side pieces. I then had 2 pices of ply that were 16 feet long (minus the joint) and 30 inches wide. After lofting and cutting out the floor I took a break. as I looked at the floor pieces I realized that all I had to do to make it a V bottom would be to fold the two halves together some what to the desired angle, Then flatten the stern to pull the rocker into the bow. It worked like a champ. I stich n glued the bottom and sides and the rest of the boat went together pretty much hassell free. I still have the bow and stern hatches to finish plus the bow com, then just the detail work and
Gary, She is lookin really nice. Do you have any other pics of the build? Post up as you continue.

Howard, I would love to see the way you layed that one out.Do you have any pics of the hull before and after you stitched her up???? Sounds like a very sea worthy craft you are building there..!!! What are you going to power her with? Thanks, Charlie