AWS pup update: I wan't going to post, but the board is in a slow period...


Well-known member
Our 4 mo old AWS pup ventured forth into the water yesterday to retrieve his first "bird". I'm only home on the weekends so training has been slow, but he's extremely responsive.

Yesterday my 8 yo and I took the lab and the pup for a walk near the reservoir. Program: I throw a dummy in the water, the lab retrieves it, the pup paces the shoreline, sticking his feet in but that's about it. After the lab goes for the long ball, I throw one in about 15 feet from shore hoping to get him excited. He never took the bait until yesterday.

He went right in and grabbed it and came back. He is a very expressive dog, his face was a little contorted at first but that quickly turned to a purposeful look.

The topper was that he came to shore, heeled up on my left side and sat with it in his mouth. I'm chalking that up to a fluke, but that was very cool.

I'll get pics up soon. Nick W if you are reading this, please let the Wine Country people know that he is an A+ dog in every respect.

Dogs are truly our best friends.

Well I'm glad you posted. We learn alot from the dogs we train. I know I always did. The first one I had a pet, Heinzes 57 variety breed, showed me you can open a door even if you have paws. Learned how good a dogs nose can be. Use to play a game with the dog. I would leave and the dog would always want to come with me. I would go out the door and around the niegborhood and someone else would open the door while I came in the back door. The dog never failed to come to the back door. Later I had hunting dogs. The first one taught me how good a dog can be.

Enjoyed your post! It reminded me of something.

Twenty years ago this week, I traveled from Maine to Wisconsin to pick up an AWS pup. He was a great little guy but, despite my attempts at careful intro to water, he preferred to find grouse and woodcock in the thickets. My hunting pals always kidded me---until we got into the birds! Good luck and happy hunting!

By the way, you may know that the famous Geo. Soule, decoy maker and duck hunter from Freeport, ME, always had AWS. Had two at one time.
Thanks Pete, Rich & Tod.

Pics are coming, I apologize for not taking any - shameful.

I really love this dog as a pal, so far he shows all the instincts. When we are in the woods, he constantly looks for me and doesn't let me out of his sight. He's going to be a close hunter which I like. My lab is the same way.

We brought the pup to the water again yesterday and he went in without any trouble. He's still very small so I don't throw it more than 10 yards, but he loves retrieving both in the water and in general.

I'll try to get some pics up soon.

Thanks, A.

That is great news , sounds like he is coming along fine . I cannot wait to get out in the boat it has been a heck of a long off season so far , hope to start fishing for the elusive striper real soon , if work allows . I will call you this week .
