Back to the Ducks..DU fund raiser


Well-known member
Our local fund raiser, Middle Penninsula Chapter, was held Thursday night. Some of you already know that I built another sneakbox for the fund raiser. It was auctioned off at a profit of 1500 for the chaper. Bought by a tug boat pilot. Made me feel really good! I also won the Sponcers drawing and won a Benilli Super Nova!

I was impressed by the large number of young hunter that attended.

Some pics of the boat.rear2.JPGdusbrf.jpgBanquet.jpg
thats excellent! love the boat and i bet it will get some good use for sure.

We have out 16th Waterfowl USA event tomorrow (sat) expecting 60 kids there under 16 years of age. We really strive to make
the event good for them. We have as of tonight 30 youth guns in the youth only raffle that is N/C to the kids. Everyother
kid will take home a new .22 rifle or shotgun tomorrow night. (talk about good odds!) Keep em interisted in the shooting sports and outdoors and
going to events to help the sport survive... its our ONLY HOPE!
Way ta go Howard. That boat is a work of art. I hope the Captain lets you know how his hunting goes out of it. Congrats on the gun. I'm taking the grandson to a Pheasants Forever dinner tonight. He is excited as a puppy. Last year HE won a lot of loot in the raffles. Dave, that is a sure fire way to get attendance at the dinners...get the kids chomping at the bit to go and Dad and Grampa don't have a choice!
Very kind words Gentlemen. It means a lot to receive compliments from the guys on this site and MLB also. Especialy from Mark and Eric. Eric for the inspiration to try and Mark for the guidence and encouragment.