BB3 question

Tom Barb

Active member
I recently purchased plans for the BB3. Can the bulkhead at the front of the cockpit be eliminated and replaced with knees to extend the cockpit to the flotation chamber?
Might want to check with Sam on that. My concern would be loss of strength but it might not be significant enough to prevent that mod. That will be a long cockpit. Why do you want it that long?
Toying with the idea of it to accommodate myself and my two youngsters in a couple years to sit and hunt out of it. Was considering the bb3 over the scaup for the smaller size and weight. And to use my 15 horse Suzuki. If I have to push it, or drag on a bank, I?ll be pushing the boat alone with them in it.
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Two things to consider; As designed the floor is flat and level when built to the bulkhead. If the floor is extended it will either be very narrow or will bring the leading edge upwards to meet the flotation bulkhead. Or I suppose one could put in a stepped floor or leave the floor out in the area beyond where the normal bulkhead would be. Not sure which or if any option would be desirable.
I utilize the area under the deck for two full size batteries and safety gear. What ever equipment that might go under the deck will still take up the same space if you extend the cockpit. The only difference is that now it will not have a deck over it. What I'm getting at is, will the design change actually provide any true gain?
Last year at the ramp I saw a guy hunting with a girl and a boy both 12-13 years old in a factory BB III if I was going to do something I would eliminate the motor well and pick up a foot or more there keeping the flotation. The man only had one duck but they all seemed comfortable.
Thanks for the input guys. Exactly why I?m asking the question. Dave, good point however I won?t need batteries, well all be wearing our life jackets, most likely sitting on throwables, and the rest of the safety stuff I imagine can be arranged to accommodate seating. The floor is something I didn?t think of.

Josh, I have no doubt we?d fit for a while with the stock cockpit. But not sure whether we?d be able to hunt safely side by side. The motor well thought is a good idea. Although I do like the idea of a well.

I will email Sam and see what he says.
Tom Barb said:
Toying with the idea of it to accommodate myself and my two youngsters in a couple years to sit and hunt out of it. Was considering the bb3 over the scaup for the smaller size and weight. And to use my 15 horse Suzuki. If I have to push it, or drag on a bank, I?ll be pushing the boat alone with them in it.

Based on that you might consider the scaup. The brant can handle 3 but as those boys get older you may wish you had more room. Don?t be too quick to eliminate the motor well. It has a lot of benefits.