Capt. Frank Miller

Active member
Finishing up the restoration on my BBSB a firberglass one that weighs about 125 pounds the boat has no flotation in it and I am wonder what I should do. How many of you run without floatation? If I pour the foam and idea how much I would need?

I like the comfort of knowing I have flotation. The intent is to keep the boat floating level even when swamped. I know when I built the broadbill I used 2lb density but I can't recall the quantity off top of my head. I'll check the Devlin plans when I get home and let you know. I would guess that the Broadbill is of similiar size to your BBSB. If possible, I would put some in the bow and two locations in the stern. I know with some of the kayaks I've owned and the Momarsh FB, it looks like they've been stood on end and poured. Once that's set it's been flipped and the other locations poured. So in other words, I don't think you need to have a special compartment if your boat was built without it. I would also recommend getting the closed cell so it doesn't soak up water.
To meet Coast Guard specs, we had to use 2 cubic feet in the bow and 3 cubic feet in the stern. That will greatly limit your underdeck storage space in the stern though.
US Composites is the best place we found for the foam. Let me know if you have any questions.
Frank, Last year I bought an 18' Sea Ark to use for Sea Ducking in the ocean here in Montauk. It had full flotation from the factory. I cut it out because I needed room for storage, life preservers etc. My logic may seem a little strange to you but here it is. I've been fishing for a living all my life running as far as the continental shelf in some of the worst weather immaginable in a boat that will sink like a rock. Everyday I see boats out here fishing and wondering what the heck is it doing out here, but they do manage to make the day of it. probaby not as comfortably as I am in the Windy a 40' downeast. But can take a lot more than we give them credit for. I would leave the call on the flotation up to you. If you feel you need it and will be more confident with it then by all means put it in. I would probaby use that spray in foam that you can buy at Home Depot 'Gret Stuff"
I dont have any flotation or know anyone with flotation in their sneakbox. Mine is also fiberlglass though most are wood , which I guess would float if swamped? Anyhow if you have room for it them foam it. I dont think you will if you are gonna use it as a layout
If you have decoys secured under the decks you have some flotation, at least part of the time. It might be a good idea to test the boat in warm water(summer) and see what it does.