beginning carving

I want to try my hand at carving. (I can only build so many boats). But I have no idea where to start.. Does anyone have any favorite beginner books or references on where to start up another addictive hobby??? There are obviously a ton of great carvers on this site, so who better to ask???
You should also check out the great tutorials that MLBob has up over at the Mightly Layout Boys web site ( Mr. Furia and his birds are incredibly awesome! I think you've probably seen some of his work over the last couple of days on this site.

I think the tutorials are in the resources section. There are also some patterns on that site that some of the members have genereously provided.

I've gotten my hands on a couple of books that are Very helpful and some not so helpful. Here are a few that I would recommend.
Duck Decoys: Classic Carving Project Made Easy by Tom Matus
Game Bird Carving, by Bruce Burk
Decoys, The Art of the Wooden Bird, by Richard LeMaster

Also, The Duck Blind is a plethora of information, as was stated in a previous post. You also may want to get registered onto the Decoy Carving Forum.

I hope this helps.

A nice little book, that you can get at "," is Eugene V. Connett's Duck Decoys. Not nearly as complete as others mentioned, at 116 pages it is a simple read to help get you started. An extra bonus for the likes of me, it has some nice drawings. Best of luck, R.Bell
of the absolute best "gunning bird" carvers in the Country and what is the advise from those who answered?

GO ELSEWHERE.......If we used that as our standard answer to all "how do I get started" we'd refer ALL boat building questions to Devlin, or Wooden Boat, or some other site where someone who doesn't post on the Duck Boat page has built a boat, We'd refer all photography questions to Photo websites, all outboard questions to boards peopled by only thos einterested in fixing their outboards, etc.etc.etc....

Stick around Mike, everything you need, from advise to critique, can be found right here on this, or the MLB, (same people to a huge extent), site......didn't check to see where you were from but make an effort to locate a carver near you that you can visit to get some basic information "first hand".....books are nice, and there's not a bad one in the bunch listed, but nothing beats a little "hands on" for your first birds......

Hope to see your first efforts posted here, (instead of one of the other sites that you were told to rush off to)....

Easy does it Steve, he asked where to get books and patterns and where to get supplies. I see he is from Hulbertson Wi. , not sure where that is but Wisconsin is full of great carvers. My very best advice to Mike is to go to The Duck Blind, find out when Willy is going to have a gunning decoy class nearby and take the couple days to attend. It will save him a couple hundred bucks on headstock alone. I agree that a night with a good group of carvers will cut years off the learning curve. Willys cyber classroom and Bob's classroom at the MLB site will help a ton..but having someone right at your side is the best way. And one more thing...before I made the investment to start carving, I bought some E Allens from Lou with his tape on painting..and the FME to paint them with because I have never been an arteest and wanted to see if I could make one LOOK like a duck and whether I even LIKED painting....but that was just me. Starting out with a couple blocks of wood and trying to whack out a head and body can be the most frustrating thing a guy can do..(personal experience). Mike, watch for a decoy show that is withing driving distance, you will find a bunch of good guys there that would love to help you.
my issue is directing people away from the Duck Boat page to "other" websites because of a perception that the carvers tehre are "better".....

Personal thing for me I guess.....

Hi Steve,

I suppose I am guilty. MLBob/Bob Furia has a great tutorial over at the MLB/Mighty layout Boys site. I thought they were like our sister site or something? Most of the old timers here are over there at one point or another...

We don't have the same resources here (Bob Furia's tutorial or patterns), and frankly I think it would be redundant if we did.

Sorry if I ruffled your feathers, but I think sharing a link to the mighty layout boys is a defensible act...

no one needs to apologize for feeling different than someone fact in your case you recommended the only other site that I have no issues with, ("can be found right here on this, or the MLB, (same people to a huge extent), site"), and for the same reasons...

The fact that I dislike "redirection" to other sites doesn't mean anyone else needs to agree....personally I love to see new people get the best help that they can get....I just happen to think that that "help" comes from right her on this site, (and the MLB), and not elsewhere....

Mike, to answer a question with a few questions...
1. What style do you like? Decoratives or gunners? Any regional influences? Or are you like me when I started and all of these questions meant nothing at all?

2. What medium do you want to carve in? Cork? Wood? Foam?

3. Do you like all the greatest toys or are you more of a hands on kinda guy? Leads into the whole use of power tools versus hand tools

Start there, assess what you like, then tell us so we can direct you more logically. If you are a hand guy who wants to do gunners is WAY different than a power guy doing decos. See what I mean?
Steve, Simmer down bud. The guy asked how to get started, I can think of no better place to go or folks to help than Willy McDonald and Di. Can a guy buy supplies for carving on DHBP?? No. Are there fixed tutorials on simple carving techniques on DHBP?? No.

Are there a lot of very talented carvers that post on DHBP?? Absolutly!! Can folks offer advice and critiques on DHBP?? You bet!!! You (We) can't be the best at averything. I can think of no better place tahn here for newbies looking to built their boat etc. There just happen to be a few places to go that better serve the guy or gal looking to get started in the carving world.

No one said, "Hey get out of here, this place is for boat builders"

My feeling is that saying "Stay here, don't go look for different resources" is more likely to drive someone away. This ain't a contest man. Everyone can get along.
including tutorials and plans and is Lou....thats not who I was referencing...

Clearly we have different yours your RIGHT....good for spoke your piece and I spoke mine.....thats one of the major differences in this site and at least one other that was mentioned.....we're allowed to have an opinion different than the management.....

I have been carving for about 5 years I guess, and really consider myself just a beginner still. I get questions from young kids who see some of the birds I carve and want to give it a try but have no idea where to start, what tools to use, how to hold or use the tools, how to paint, keel, and rig a handmade bird. Are there videos out there that go through each of these steps in detail that would be good for a beginner carver? I have been thinking of asking a friend who has some video equipment to help me produce something along these lines - taking a rough cedar or cork block, squaring it up or putting on a bottom board, laying down the pattern, cutting it on the bandsaw, drawing on the pattern lines and taking measurements from the pattern, putting knife to cork or wood, etc., etc., etc., until you have a finished, painted, and keeled bird ready for the water. I have a number of books and other written reference tools, but somehow actually seeing how someone holds a drawknife or carving knife or works the wood through the bandsaw has helped me tremendously over the years.

Would something like this be worthwhile, and would it be helpful and useful? Just looking for feedback at this point.

GULP!.....Willy has some.... Mike, when and if you get into carving...just is a highly political pastime. My REALLY best advice is to run and ebay for handmade cork will save you time, money and heartaches.....
You know, I thought he did. Good to know. Seeing someone actually doing something has always been the best way for me to learn. Books are good, but seeing it and having someone show you the right way has always been the best learning method for me.

GULP!.....Willy has some.... Mike, when and if you get into carving...just is a highly political pastime. My REALLY best advice is to run and ebay for handmade cork will save you time, money and heartaches.....

LOL!!! Yup!! Probablly cheaper too, when you start to factor in bandsaws, foredoms, micro motors, knives, airbrushes...........

Steve - Fair enough, one of these days some bar, somewhere, is going to make a mint on us........LOL.