I have been carving for about 5 years I guess, and really consider myself just a beginner still. I get questions from young kids who see some of the birds I carve and want to give it a try but have no idea where to start, what tools to use, how to hold or use the tools, how to paint, keel, and rig a handmade bird. Are there videos out there that go through each of these steps in detail that would be good for a beginner carver? I have been thinking of asking a friend who has some video equipment to help me produce something along these lines - taking a rough cedar or cork block, squaring it up or putting on a bottom board, laying down the pattern, cutting it on the bandsaw, drawing on the pattern lines and taking measurements from the pattern, putting knife to cork or wood, etc., etc., etc., until you have a finished, painted, and keeled bird ready for the water. I have a number of books and other written reference tools, but somehow actually seeing how someone holds a drawknife or carving knife or works the wood through the bandsaw has helped me tremendously over the years.
Would something like this be worthwhile, and would it be helpful and useful? Just looking for feedback at this point.