Best looking hunting partner Ive had

Robert Schaffer

New member
This morning my wife decided to join me in the duck blind and try to kill her first duck. Not only did she kill her first duck but she killed 3! She was almost as excited as I was. After she shot her second duck a flock of about 30 came around the corner and as she stared in aww i took aim at 2 myself. It was awsome to see her so excited about the sport I love. Hopefully this is just the first of many hunts to come with her.
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A good looking wife who likes to hunt, what more can a man ask for? Nice group of GWT she got, congrats to both of you.
When I saw the titlle to your thred, I was exspecting a picture of a dog coming up but not your wife you can tell her from me she is one pritty little lady, you are a very lucky man and having a wife that whats to hunt with her husband, boy it carnt get any better than that, tell her congrats on the ducks.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond
Wow... Lucky guy

My wife is a vet. All I get are jokes from friends: "so let me get this straight, you shoot 'em, and your wife tries to cure them???"


That is fantastic! My wife and I hunted together for years before the three little ones and now the whole family goes! There isn't anything better than sharing time afield with the whole family, building memories forever! Don't forget that you now have the BEST excuse ever to buy more gear!
I know how lucky you are my wife waterfowl hunts to & I love it. This year she got about 5 duck & 10 geese,2 were banded, & 3 goose decoys. Now she can't wait until next year.Joe
You have a beautiful hunting buddy,
although I was expecting a wet nose and a longer tail.

Once in a very blue moon, I am able to coerce my bride Anya into the blind.

It can take a lot of sweet talking, and some bribery though.

Good for you (both).
the only thing better will be a blind full of kids.

Not putting any heat on you but you will love it when you get there.

Thanks everyone she really is great. She lets me hunt whenever i want and never complains about it, plus i think she is pretty easy on the eyes. lol But her love for the outdoors is what really attracted me to her. Its great having a wife that gets it and understands why i get up every morning to watch Gods beautiful creation.
Now that is cool. I have a friend who's wife is a natural blond. During duck season she dyes her hair brown. And remember The family that slays together, stays together.
Wow... Lucky guy

My wife is a vet. All I get are jokes from friends: "so let me get this straight, you shoot 'em, and your wife tries to cure them???"



Anthony, it could be worse. My wife is a vegetarian. LOL
"Best looking hunting partner Ive had"

My feelings are hurt. LOL Well Done Ember and Robert. No chance of freezing to death on this mornings hunt. That is always a good thing when the wife tags along.
Bob W O W ! U are a lucky guy. Cant get any better than that. A beautiful wife who never gives you
a hard time about hunting and hunts with you too. P.S. remember....what happens in the duck
blind...stays in the duck blind. Happy hunting
Phil, My wife has been a vegetarian all her life. She is not opposed to others eating meat, it just isn't for her. Needless to say but she doesn't go hunting with me. She does enjoy the outdoors, just not hunting and fishing.
Paul... are you telling me that your wife doesn't eat any meat????? and you still married her???

It wasn't a question of Paul marrying her...HE was lucky she married him.


I've heard it said that you're supposed to say "congratulations" to the groom and "good luck" to the bride. Women have told me I was lucky my wife married me, and I was like "huh"? she's lucky I asked her to marry me! :)

I still plan on getting the wife out in the marsh with me once. Problem is, she likes her sleep far too much to wake up at dark-thirty in the morning :)

Congrats once again, and Merry Chirstmas to you both. Maybe you guys should get his & hers waders or duck calls or something...
