Bill Wasson, you out there??!

Mark Vanderhoof

Active member
hi bill, long time no speak. been going through some pictures from the past of hunting with you and elsewhere. smiling and remembering all the good times during those trips. lots of good memories. anyways i hope everything is great with you
and your family. best, mark
HARLEYS and Cans illegal down my way this year. Not much chagrin because I've never seen a Harley anyplace I hunt. But what realy pisses me off is they have said we can't shoot cans at all this year. Pic denotes a successful hunt and I hope you folks continue to have good and safe hunts.
Hi Mark,

Yea, I'm out here. I usually check the forum in the morning. I haven't done much sea duck hunting lately but have been out for the puddlers and divers a few times. I got a chuckle out of the BBSB chatter going on. I had shoulder surgery thhis summer and am not recovered enough to pull a starter cord on an outboard yet so I've been rowing to my spots. Slower but good therapy for my shoulder. Always good to hear from you.

cause all real boat builders know that you need BIG HORSEPOWER to lift a bow so that the waves you are running into don't break over it, and I'm sure that your crippled up, old wizened shoulder muscles aren't up to the task.........

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Bill, can you dig you that picture of you with a sheet of ice on your coat?

I thought of that picture the other day when I looked down on my chest and saw a sheet of ice forming. As the day wore on I started to get a little chilly and I told myself to stick it out, heck I could have been covered in ice still a few hundred miles to the north.


How's that?

You aren't thinking about quitting are you? I think I can find some people to beg you not to go if you need me to....

hi bill, glad to hear youve been out on the water and i hope your shoulder gets back to normal fast. by the way, do you have a "true" BBSB or is it one of those fake ones?!! i got some laughs out of that post too. always something. best, mark
Better than being a Crocogator as the poor animal has a crocodile head at one end and an Alligator at the other it also has no fanny at all so it's always pissed off.

No sir I'm not leaving less'n yall tells me too. I'm now workin on my patouis to be politically correct.

Later on Dude,