Bitch Needed....

Jay Anglin

Well-known member

God that was fun to type in the subject line! This is basically a "personals" ad for my dog.

My male black has hit 10 years and I'd love to breed him. Not only do I need a pup, several of my friends would love to speak for a pup as well. I have been actively watching for a female that I believe would be a good match for Stanley but haven't had a lot of luck.

Stanley has a very calm demeanor, he's quiet-almost stoic in many ways. He's excellent around people and especially children. Being a house dog, he lets our 9 month old twin girls crawl all over him and seems to almost enjoy it. He has been known to stand up to many "bully" dogs aggresively but I would not term him an aggresive lab by any stretch. He just doesn't like jerks I guess. It has cost me a few bucks at the vet when I've had to fix him up but for the most part his demeanor is a perfect blend of easy going and balls to the walls when necessary. When he hunts upland he's a machine and he's a very tenacious retriever as a waterfowl dog. He certainly is not the best duck dog though his mother could almost take that honor as she is probably the greatest hunting dog I'll ever own. In many ways Stanley is as good or better than his mother Aggie but he does not handle like a robot-something she and I managed to pull off for a long time until I officially retired her in January of this year when she retrieved her last goose. They are both excellent goose dogs by the way. The biggest difference between the two besides size and color is that she has always been somewhat aloof and enjoys being alone while her pup enjoys being part of the action and covets attention from us.

He continues to show desire and tenacity while retrieving ducks and geese that occasionally amazes me for a 10 year old dog. I guess they're all like this until they cannot physically do it anymore but it sure is impressive. The first reaction I get from folks that don't know him personally is,"...what is he, about 5?" That's a good comparison physically. For now, he's an Adonis for his age.

He weighs in at 78lbs and that's what he's weighed since he was 2 years old-I would term him lean and muscular. He's a bit leggy which I like for upland hunting and working in shallow floaded fields which we do a lot here. Having the ability to jump through shallow water instead of swimming allows him to get to the birds quicker. His father lived to 15 and had the same physique. His mom was 62lbs throughout her hunting dog career and physically didn't break down until about 2 year ago. Her condition is the result of years of use as a pheasant dog at a preserve where I guided...the daily grind finally broke her down. His name incidentally is derived from the Detroit Red Wings winning the cup in '97...HR's Lord Stanley Red Wing. His papers are okay I guess-there's a Canadian champion on his mom's side...I don't pay a lot of attention to them frankly because I've seen more expensive dogs with stellar pedigrees suck hind teet than not so that's not what I use for my standard. I stumbled into a physically impressive line of dogs that have an excellent demeanor and are very trainable.

I live in NW Indiana and seeing as half the guys that hang out here are within a days drive I figured this would be a great place to look for like minded hunters that have good dogs or know of somebody that does that may be interested in a stud. Color isn't a huge issue for me...Stanley comes from a black/chocolate line. Size for me is important...I'd really prefer to try and target the same physique and avoid a larger line of dogs. I could one hand Stanley's mom into a canoe and they don't eat or crap as much when the weigh less than 80lbs!

That said, I'd be glad to discuss this with anybody that's interested or has any questions. Please email me at or PM me or call 574-210-2844. I would love to get some pups in the works as soon as possible. Enjoy the photos-he hates to have his photo taken but I manage to get a good one once in a while!

Stanley sniffs his first band at 6 months.....



Mom and pup doing "dock duty" at the lake

Mom in Retriever Journal-Lake St Clair (crappy scan)

Yard work spring '07

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Couldn't have started with HOE, HOE, HOE!!!! I would have sounded nicer for the kids!....hehehe
And he may be game for that! One of the greatest things about male dogs is that they act like human men would if they were dogs...if you get my drift!?

Before a reputable breeder will think of breeding with your male, there will be many questions. First off, hip/eye certs., health history, background/pedigree for potenial issues, etc. In the long and short run, it will be much cheaper and easier to find another quality pup than breed your dog.

Everyone wants to think they have a great hunting dog and should carry on the line. There is a flood of high quality labs on the market currently at what are very reasonable prices. It is impossible to make money or even break even breeding dogs right now unless you are either a puppy mill with low quality dogs or have a non financial desire to have a quality line of dogs. We practically gave away our last two pups from a litter of 9 from champion parents. All those friends that say they want one will most likey bail on you when it comes time.

My suggestion to anyone thinking of breeding is to think about the time and hassle involved and multiply by 10. Heartbreak too. That first pup that has bad hips, eyes, gets hit, etc. will bother you as much as if it were your child. My recommendation is to put a deposit down on a good pup from a reputable breeder and not try to breed the dog. Just my 2 cents.

Good luck!
Cory, I appreciate the advice. Having been through Stanley's litter with Aggie I have no interest in money etc and understand the ramifications well. As far as I know the stud dog owner has limited involvement with the litter, correct me if I'm wrong. I simply would like to maintain this particular line to some degree so a couple of friends and possibly myself have a shot at a pup. They have phenomal eyesite and great hips and they are great hunting dogs. Collectively they have worked and retrieved close to 20K pheasants not to mention thousands of waterfowl. Some may disagree, but I believe I'm intelligent enough to know that if my dog sucks I probably shouldn't rack up numbers like that because I would imagine it'd be insanely frustrating. Thankfully, that hasn't been a problem. As far as reputable breeders go...I guess I wasn't really interested in commercial breeders. I'm more interested in a guy like me that has a good female he'd like to breed. Maybe I shoulda been clearer about that.

I wish you luck in your search. My YLF has a very similar attitude, but she's a large framed dog, and spayed. I understand why you would want more of the breed standard. Having a 100lb female that's in shape can be a bother, and she's starting to slow down a little earlier than I had hoped. Then again I guess anything short of forever is too early.

Keep us updated with your progress, I might be in the market for a pup...MIGHT BE!!

you might have better luck leasing a bitch for your litter with your dog. As a breeder you wouldn't beleve the number of people who would love to stud thier dogs out. I am in no way trying to take away from your dogs talents but we put alot of time and research into our litters and with out all the clearances and some working titles in the dogs back ground you are going to be hard pressed to find someone willing to take the chance. A litter of pups is a lot of work when done properly.

He is a good looking dog can you post a pedigree?

B-Line Labs
Thanks for the replies fellas. Chris I'll scan those and post them or send them to you. If you would, what's the ballpark on leasing a female...not the Caddy but the Chevy? I enjoyed your website...very nice looking animals you have at the kennel.
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I have a two and half year old female lab...Do not know what details you need...She was handed to me by a breeder in Tennessee as the pup he thought was going to be gunshy...She has hunted with me ever since...Can not walk towards my guns or pick one up without her heeling to my side ready to go...She weighs 81 pounds, very well trained, keep her in the house or she would probably weigh much less...Strong dog...Very affectionate... I can not trace her line if that is what you are looking for....She was a Grand Champion a pissing on the floor when she was a pup....Have hunted her 14 days out of the Northern Indiana Season this year...270-556-1894

I live in Fort Wayne, IN...Moved here via Paducah, KY....
Funny how your request for a bitch was followed by Paul's first post in quite some time.
Jay If i hear of anyone I will let you know, We plan on the same hopefuly with gordy when he is 5-8 years of age.
We have talked much about having a son of gordys for sure and will persue that with the owner of the kennel that
he came from hopefuly. He keeps 8 dogs in his stable and our hope is to breed with another since he has the backgrounds and such someday. or like your trying to find a person who is looking for a good Hunting grade dog a friend type or such.

Gordys myspace hasnt produced many non-fixed behatches yet. eh gets lots of mail from 2 legged females wanting him to look at their web-cams and such.... sick puppys lmao.

best of luck, you may want to look at the gundog fourms on the Refuge ( I know swear word here to some) there are some good folks on there with lots of contacts.

take care
Good luck finding someone.
Hopefully you'll stumble across someone with a female looking to breed.
Otherwise you're asking a whole lot of someone.

You want a puppy.
You're asking the owner of the Dam to take on the health risk of pregnancy
and the responsibility of extra care and feeding for mom and the
vet bills for her and 8-12 puppies. They will spend an enormous amount of
time properly raising these dogs to 6-8 weeks. No family vacations or even weekend trips.
A litter of pups becomes your family project for over two months.
Big $ can get spent quickly.

Most responsible owners of a female are going to insist on an OFA hip certification as a minimum.
You should too. If either dog has a poor or fair rating, don't do it!
You're asking for trouble from whomever buys the dogs and you're passing on a bad and very painful trait.
They might ask for eyes and elbows to be certified also.

The female owner needs something other than words to make the pups marketable.
Most are looking for titles in the blood-line and from the stud.
Reputation as a good hunting and family dog might sell a couple of puppies to folks you know.
The rest are going to need something more to move them out the door.
Even a basic AKC or UKC hunting retriever title goes a long way toward proving what you already know.

I'm not trying to poo-poo your plan, just let you in on the view from the other side of your proposition.
Leasing sounds like a good way to take on some of the risk and responsibility yourself. I stated above...I have raised a litter of labs and know the pain in the ass long hours and expense associated with it. Maybe that's why I like this dog so much...I pulled him out. It's worth inquiring I think. The hips and eyes are rock solid. If for some reason that's the deal breaker then I'll go get it done...unless of course a 10 yo with perfect joints and eyes as well as parents with perfect joints and eyes are not eligible to have it done. I can't remember what the cut off is. Contrary to Corey's suggestion(and I know you have personal experience with it) I have a BUNCH of friends that are very interested and are in the market for a new dog over the next year. We all have old dogs or dead dogs and need pups. I'm sure they'd be MUCH better off just putting money down on a some stellar litter but they've asked, begged, pleaded and insisted that I try to breed this dog. I know that some will bail out...been there and done that. When I did a litter I had about $150 into each pup not including my time of course. If the owner of mom wants to ask for $500 a pup so be it.

Below are Stanley and Aggie's papers. They probably suck-I'll remind Stanley tomorrow when he's scooping up greenheads and blacks in the flooded corn!




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