Black bellies & Fulvous

Capt Jeff Kraynik

Well-known member
Since we specialize in BBWD's & Fulvous for our clients, I made some special request from some of our resident on-line carvers.

Can't wait to hunt over them!!!



I'm also expecting another surprise from Ohio & the Yukon.

Now if I can just get them all down here to hunt over them!!!
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reminds me of the first birds I ever saw of Ira McCauley's......

Can't wait to see the others when you get them......please post them when the migration arrives.....

Guess I'll need to get back into adding to that particular rig...can;'t let you Florida Boys have more carvers in your "whistler rig" than I do........we'll have to combine em all one neat to have a rig of 50 something Black Bellies and Fulvous, (plus that "errant" WhiteFaced "just in case"), sitting on the water as the sun comes up.....

One of these days someone is going to come out with plastic Whistler at which point species specific decoys won't be so unique anymore....till then its neat to see people with them in their rigs....

Find a spot where they work and I've got some full bodies that need to be christened......

I question several of the bigger deke makers @ the SHOT show this spring about making whistlers.


Supply & demand!!!

They look @ it as a regional duck where they can't make the money back on their investments.
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won't happen right away as they have to get the more "common" stuff out first but they expressed "interest"......we shall see.....

Over 10 years ago I carved a black-belly that I sent up to Gene who had expressed interest in molding one for LS&B. Haven't heard anything about it in years.... They wanted some to use in Texas.

Hey Jeff, Do actually get those birds to decoy on the water? We're in Central Florida and they just to seem to hang out in the trees or our neighbor's driveway waiting for corn. Do decoys in trees work? Thanks!
Jeff, by whistlers, are you talking goldeneye or whistling ducks, like blackbellies, fulvous, whitefaced?
I doubt you will get any plastoid stuff---
i have been making dekes for our host in argentina---there is a vast, untapped market there, much like the market for mottleds, and the oddies you guys sometimes run into down south.
what are you talking, number-wise? Do you have specimens available that you have frozen, that can be sent--if i am not mistaken, both sexes are alike for the fulvous and blackbellies?
See if you can get hitch to put up some pics of the Argentinos he picked up last march at westlake!
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I kinda dropped the ball on the yellow bill you had George...I'll post some photos.


Nope, you still have it if you didn't sell it...did you sell it? I got the Chiloe and the Red Shoveler.

oh, that one? No, it was added to Giovanni's rig--Hoopefully, by next year, he will have enough to let folks use them, as long as the boys don't put them in those ratty old bags.
If you are coming out to ohio next year, i will try to get another made, to pique your interest. Have a couple of additions and a total newbie i will take to salisbury in a few weeks. have some shots, but being digitally challenged, they are still in a camera--when i get prints, will scan them to you