Black Belly Whistling Ducks in Mobile, AL!


Hopefully they will stay around and make lots of little ones. 20 Year ago if we saw one around here, it was a rarity. Now they probably out number the pigeons around town. They tend to arrive in late Feb or early March and stay till the first good cold front in late Sep. or early Oct. A few will hang out all winter here and every few years we get to bag some.

Of all the true Coonasses I know, they rate the BB at the top of the duck list for table fare. They mostly refer to them as "Squeelers". Around here they are Black Bellys, Whistlers or Mezcan Whistlers.

They are deffinatley a different looking bird; neck like a goose, body like a duck, legs like a crane and tail like a diver. God must have had a few spare parts left over when he finished up with waterfowl and decided to make something. Kind reminds me of Johnny Cash's song about the Cadillac - "One piece at a time "......

Sutton - Coonass is one word, not two. Get your redneck lingo straight.
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