Black Duck Bonanza - Video

Here's a link the CT page:

The hybrid bird they show shows a lot less white near the speculum than I need to see before I call a bird a hybrid. I've been told by Maine wardens that a little white above the speculum is not determinative, but that any hint of white both above and below is.
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I'm doing the wing survey for Fish and Game so they got a wing for their studies, definitely had white above and below. When I slow down the raw video I can see the other black duck next to it appeared to have some drake mallard characteristics so it might have been a hybrid pair. I just wish I had the camera running for the 30 teal backpedaling over the engine.

I like bringing the camera with me as it lets me revisit a trip or see how badly I missed. 95% of the footage stays private for cyber scouting reasons though.
Those little teal are fun. We still had a few here last weekend, but it got cold this week and I bet they're all gone from inland. I have seen a few as late as Thanksgiving in the salt marshes.
Thanks Craig. I moved out of NJ two years ago and miss the salt marsh and black ducks. I appreciate the trip down memory lane.