blue marsh lake, pa

Is that the one in the SE corner of the state?
Nice looking lake, no development, just farmland all around. There is another good looking lake with lots of shallows just to the northeast too.
Grew up in Wayne County, PA, but never got down near there much.
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I dont know Jim, I think any duck hunter in that area worth his salt who has done any scouting and has a computer with MSN Maps would find those lakes pretty quickly.
In an area of PA without a lot of big water, they stand out on all the maps.
With the use of current technology...thy ducky place is remotely viewed by all....from Google Earth to images from NAIP.....the sky is alive with spies....
doesnt matter . My question is why would anyone publicly ask about a remote spot. Chances are someone has that place wired
Part of duck hunting is learning on your on and doing the humping and grunt work not sitting behind a keyboard expecting others years of knowledge to be given away freely on a public post. You who do this will continue to ruin this great sport keep it up

Perhaps he's new to the sport? Perhaps he's merely inquring to see if his hunch is correct?

Why do elitists, such as you, sh!t on people for asking a question that you deem inappropriate. Since you know it all, why are you perusing these websites?
Opions are like a$$holes and you appear to be one Jim.
Jim, I don't disagree with what your saying. However on this site and just saying it "looks ducky" doesn't add up to much in my opinion.
you want to take Jim to task for what he said thats fine...have at it...he's a big boy and you['ll know youve been ina fight once its over.......just drop the name fact I'd appreciate you editing that little piece of poor "inuendo"........


In my opinion an obscure reference on a website who's membership is widely distributed offers very low risk. Now if that same question were asked on the Refuge PA forum I would think it quite naive and would object to such a thing even if I didn't hunt that area and had no interest in doing so. But in the given company do you truly believe it possesses risk? I have grown to dislike state forums for the very reasons you objected. The risk is truly there to ruin something you enjoy. I'm living that scenario. But his question and location will probably never come up again and be gone in a day which is entriely different than some place that gets mentioned hundreds or thousands of times in the presence of folks who live within driving distance. At least that's my opinion.

My question is why would anyone publicly ask about a remote spot.

It would be tought to call this a "remote spot", located right near 3 mid-size cities, with a large public boat ramp.
But I still wouldnt openly ask about it online, heck, I would get in the boat as soon as the ice goes out and check it out!
always happy to see "discussion", which includes disagreement. as long as, it doesn't lead to name calling.....

Maybe I'm a little sensitive about this this morning and if so I'll relate the story of "why".....

Currently in the State of Washington we have a stupid, petty, battle going on amongst the State Representatives.....and sadly it isn't about "issues".....its about "actions unbecoming adults".....seems someone said something that one of the Representatives didn't she flipped him the bird......not liking that he stood, turned, and mooned her, at which point she flipped him off again, only this time more 'overtly".......

I'm watching the news last night and these too IDIOT CHILDREN are on the news "defending" their actions....claiming that "he started it", and "she was ugly to me", and "that really wasn't a bird", and "what she did was worse than what I did" and I'm thinking...."HOLY CRAPPIN CRAP these are the people that are making the decisions that will effect me personally and they can't "debate" an issue without "flipping each other off", "mooning each other in retaliation", and then "lying" about what they did, or didn't do, to their constituants", (via the camera).....

Honestly and truly it sickened me........

Soooooooo lets be adults here....lets DEBATE and not ARGUE.....don't hold your tongue but when you speak your piece do it as an adult........I know that most willl view what is said far more positively, even if I disagree, without the "flipping off" and "mooning" and "name calling" than when its present.....(BTW that s a "blanket" comment and not directed specifically to you).....


This is an interesting thread in one aspect......with access to multiple GIS data bases, from simple to complex, by the general public, combined with the increase in human population, increased numbers of recreation vehicles (boats, atv, 4x4 etc), dumps the so called secret spot into the dumpster of the past. While it is admirable to try and keep a public accessed location secret, and maybe that is even ethical, reality suggest that the effort is futile over time. You will have birds watchers to bird shooters invade your domain on the honey hole sometime in the future. I just hope that we can all get along and share the resource in an appropriate manner. Somewhere back in my feeble mind it seems that the golden rule to " Love thy neighbor as thyself" might have an application in this instance..... My 2.256 cents worth on the subject...

(wonder why it was not 1.9 cents.....hmmmm....maybe I might have to rethink my position based on a cost benefit analysis)

With all the fuss made about this "secret spot" I might have to take a ride to check it out..........Get my point???????????????????????
Mr. Donofrio

Strongly disagree? Go back and read what I wrote. I too have a dislike for information leaking on the internet. Most notably on state forums who's very existence and activity promotes areas that were unheard of before. But the point I also made was the exposure here is so dilute and brief the risk doesn't warrant you blasting the guy with insults. You could have handled yourself much more courteously and been more effective in the process.

Eric Patterson
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This is a USACE lake and most of the surrounding area is part of a 2,800 acre PA Game Commission State Game Lands (280).
So, this is definately not a secret spot!
Anyone hunt here? looks like goose and duck habitat, always wondered if it gets slammed

I didn't think Aaron was really looking for an answer of there are or are not ducks here, I took this as asking if the area is already over run by hunters (and therefore not worth looking further into)...scout all you want in the off season, unless the shore is littered with perminant blinds, it's hard to find out how much pressure the area recieves.

my 2 cents

I used to be a daily reader and occasional poster on this forum. Lately the flavor has turned for me and I only check in occasionally. I am sorry that this was my greeting. I carve all my own decoys, own a very expensive boat and another less expensive boat, both sneakboxes and both built by forum members. I am serious and as tight with info as the next guy, when it comes to the underdeserving. I was under the impression that people on this forum generally held themselves to a higher standard and always chose this forum for that reason. My opinion on the sad state of hunting in general is another topic altogether but thought nothing of asking those who knew about the website what they knew about BML.
That said, Jim I think you may have overreacted a bit and perhaps I know why. I guess one can infer from your passionate reply that there is some pretty good gunning in those parts. I suspected as much and may or may not ever check it out. I will honestly say I was more interested in whether the area gets hammered due to the huge paved ramp than how many innocent waterfowl one might slay there without anyone else being wiser. The salt in the wound is that I dont even live in PA, and havent for 5 years. I simply thought I could pick the brains of some other (internet wise) fellow hunteres with generally like minded approaches and see what they had to say. As for getting out for the down and dirty of scouting. I discovered the lakes abundant habitat, coves, and surrounding corn fields when I rode my mountain bike around it one afternoon about 5 years ago. This time of year has always been my best time for scouting and with the season over, all I have are the dreams for next year and the drive to explore (physically or virtually) all potential.

Enjoy the winter,

Aaron Beck
Vineyard Haven, MA
Jim...yes it can take "humping" into a site to decide the bottom line....but with a little judicious use of GIS data bases you can cut the time spent running all over the country side "looking" to a minimum.

I use GIS to predict the general location of some forms of wildlife based upon life history preferences or suitability indexes....for example...habitat classification of a drainage combined with flow data, historical locations of redds, age class strength...and bam suddenly I know what one might expect for the coming Chinook run and a specific stream...Sure it has problems..and it is not going to tell you where to cast that fly....but it sure cuts down on some of the chasing..

As for waterfowl....I can see its usefulness to eliminate or filter out non-productive areas and suggest where you might want to start looking.....I also admit that for the general public such an approach might be daunting.

If you would have told me this 25 years ago I would have thought you were growing something in the basement and smoking it on a regular basis...

So yes Jim you still have to get out in the field...arm chair hunting and biological analysis has limitations...HAHAHAHA!!